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Wood/Gas fireplace/stoves?


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Anyone have any experience with like a gas burner stove? I'm looking to add one in the basement (the chimney and everything is already there).


I did a quick google earlier today and they're running roughly $1200 for a gas stove.


Just looking to get some extra heat in the winter when I need it in the basement and when the damn power goes out for 2-3 days (f'n ice storms).

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You live in the same place I visited, right? You shouldn't have trouble heating the joint with a Woodburner. We had one at our first house and was the bomb diggity. Just keep the kids away from it, my brother and I were always melting things on top of it.




Its a steel box with a door, cant be too expensive, $500~. See if Tinman can make you one. ;)

If you wanna go oldschool, you can put a skillet on top and cook on it.


Oh, and you'll need a flue cleaning kit, do it at least once a year. It's fun, and an excuse to get on your roof. Its basicaly a big pipe cleaner on an extending rod.

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A cast woodburner is ideal. Wood was our only source of heat at my last house, and we used to sleep with the windows open in the middle of winter.


The downsides are the weight, duct work/chimeny if it is not already there, VERY DIRTY (dust and dirt on your carpet from wood), and often you will need to lay brick to satisfy insurance.


For a quick add-on, a pellet stove is the way to go.

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Always go with a wood burner stove if you can. They will burn hotter then a gas stove and they are free to run. If you got some what of a small house and you keep a wood burner burning all night and day it will keep the furnace from kicking on so much thus lowering your heating bill as well. A good stove will heat the whole house..
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You should check on ebay. I put in a wood stove a couple of years ago that a guy in New Albany sold me for $100. I did the hearth in brick and ran with a stainless through the attic. Lowes by campus sells the pipe you'll want. If you have questions I can help you out.
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