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ATTN Divers....need a trip?


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I am going to Key Largo on January 20th - 23rd. We will be diving with www.rainbowreef.us. Probaby hit some wrecks and Molasses Reef. We have one guy going that will be getting his OW Cert so beginners are welcome. All dives will be guided and we are staying right next to the dive operation. PM me if you are interested I can give you the flight information, Cost is $275 for the flight, about $30 per night for a shared room, $65 for the dives (that is two tanks).
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In the summer, if you want to dive on some wrecks "locally", Lake huron is full of them, literaly hundreds of ships lie is 30m or less of water. Alpena actualy has an underwater preserve in Thunder bay, specificaly because of all the wrecks. You can free dive on many of them.



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