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Damn, pissed in someone's cheerios....


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Having some lunch at my desk today, I get an email from ebay say I just bid on some sexual toys.. :wtf: A few minutes later, I get another one saying I used buy it now for another "device".. At this moment, I log into ebay and change my password. THEN I get an email from paypal saying I just sent payment to someone :wtf: Log in and sure enough, 1 dollar was sent but was not completed yet so I cancelled that and changed my password there... THEN we just switched web/email hosting companies, my email was hacked by putting an autoresponder to reply to every incoming email, a few email accounts were deleted and an email was changed to be the one the paypal $ was sent to... :wtf: So after 2 hours and changing all my damn passwords, filing fraud complaints, scanning every PC here, all should be good to go. Whew.
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I don't like to sound paranoid but.....do you check your system for keyboard loggers (hardware and software)? did you check the headers on the recieved emails to make sure they were legit (and not trying to get you to go change your passwords)? Do you have host entries for ebay and paypal to ensure you actually went to those sites and not a DNS poisoned site?


Sorry, I am a Certified Ethical Hacker so these are a few of my favorite hacks....

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I don't like to sound paranoid but.....do you check your system for keyboard loggers (hardware and software)? did you check the headers on the recieved emails to make sure they were legit (and not trying to get you to go change your passwords)? Do you have host entries for ebay and paypal to ensure you actually went to those sites and not a DNS poisoned site?


Sorry, I am a Certified Ethical Hacker so these are a few of my favorite hacks....


Oh they were all legit.. I didn't click on any links inside the emails, I went to paypal.com and ebay.com, then logged in. It's strange too.. we just switched web/email hosting companies and our old companies email server crashed last thurs, since then I've sent SEVERAL (20+) rude emails to them because they will not send me a cancellation form; today, I sent them 6-8 emails (the same one) over and over, about 30-45 mins, this started. hhhhhmmmmmm

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