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Need an amp, ideas please

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Guest fixerupper

Check Kicker they have loooooooooow distortion on alot of their amps. Most of them should cover the peak range you're looking for too. For power is that bridged or singular?

Here's a good one with 425x2 bridged...



But I also harp on Volfenhag products all the time. I have two of the 2000W's pushing my 1200w 12" Volf subs, and they sound great. Low distortion from them. If you order them from this place on ebay the 1600w's say 2000w's, when you get them, but were renamed 2000w's because they started using a different way to figure power. All in all they're great. They have high pass and are great for running any type of speaker.



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Peak power means nothing. RMS does.


Honestly, it has a lot to do with your budget. You don't have to have a super big amp for your mids and highs to have good, loud sound.


I like my Eclipse 4-channel in my Formula. I loved the previous Audio Art 6 channel I had in there before it was stolen.

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Really dont have a budget. Wont spend stupid money on them though, upto 1k.


I like kicker, the 850x2 I am pretty sure it is 2 ohm per channel. I dont like to bridge anything.


These are not your run of the mill best buy speakers. They call for 400 watt RMS. I have figured 600w peak should be all I will ever use, as I dont like to listen to music while wearing ear plugs.

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Guest fixerupper
Ok, well good to see someone's a sucker. But just remember that money isn't always key, no matter what anyone says. There are always cheater amps, and ones that people will call pushovers only for the brand name.
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Really dont have a budget. Wont spend stupid money on them though, upto 1k.


I like kicker, the 850x2 I am pretty sure it is 2 ohm per channel. I dont like to bridge anything.


These are not your run of the mill best buy speakers. They call for 400 watt RMS. I have figured 600w peak should be all I will ever use, as I dont like to listen to music while wearing ear plugs.


Do you have any idea how loud 1200 watts in an area the size of a car is for your highs and mids? In case you don't know, really fucking loud. Seriously... something in the 50-150WRMS/channel should be fine (depending on the amp and speakers, 50 can be plenty)... the speakers can handel up to 400wrms, that doesn't mean they need it. Even if they fairly inefficient, 100wrms should be plenty (generally speaking) unless you want it to get really loud. What Nitrousbird said about peak vs. rms is correct too.


I have a Acoustic Fahernit amp that I was/am selling if you are interested. I don't know anymore specs than what I posted, but I think it's normal for distortion... not low, not high. Decent amp and ceap. Can be seen here. Like the post says, I had this powering 4 Infinity 6.5" speakers with a very loud sub setup (Not the one seen in that post), and it got pretty damn loud. I like listening to my stuff loud and I only ever turned it up past half way when I was showing my stuff off. Just an example of what 4x90wrms can do in a car.

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RMS is everything and money is definently the key, best amps are Kicker, JL, Memphis and others are high dollar, umm a good amp for the money are Lightning audio s2.800.4 its a 4 channel RMS over 700 watts.

MA Audio makes a Awesome amp. dso does audiobahn

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