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musicians read...i need some help


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so my brother asked for a bass guitar and lessons for xmas. while i dont plan on getting all this for him, im trying to see if anyone can reccomend some stuff to get him started. i know a place my other brother used to get lessons, so those are covered, but as far as a bass guitar, amp, etc, im not sure what to look for and what im looking to spend.


again, hes wanting to learn, so it doesnt have to be some top of the line stuff, just somethign he can learn on and keep for a while until he wants to upgrade




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I bought my wife a guitar last year after talking to a couple of guys I know who play. They all said guitar center has the best deals. I bought a beginners guitar. They had kits that had a bag, guitar, and amp , and I think some instruction video. I cant remeber what I paid and it wasnt a bass but I do remember the kits seeming priced very reasonably.
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i play bass, and this is what I started on




I highly reccomend it. All the stuff is crappy beginner stuff, but to get anything better you're gonna have to seriously spend some cash.

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