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Good idea for those who don't have access to that type of equipment. My first thought is that I would not want people "hanging out" in the area where cars are being stored. You know? I would not be happy to hear there was a big hangout in a facility where my car was being stored. Just my .02
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Each car spot will have its own fenced in area which the owners will be encouraged to lock. I need to figure out a size for each area and an appropriate fee. I need to make a decision on wether or not I think people will only want to rent for a few days while the work is being done or will want to keep them in long storage. Edited by wnaplay
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I definately would like to find a place where we could do outside meets. But there could be no bullshit whatsoever. This would be my families livelyhood and my reputation. I owned and walked away from a business I had a great reputation at and it was very successful. I would incorporate what I have learned running it and try to make it a successful and nice place for people to want to spend their hard earned cash. This is not a huge money making venture. If I can live as comfortable a life as I have now without losing money and provide a great service as well, than that is what I am hoping to do. I certainly would never have a run down looking building, or lot. I cant stand having a messy area so people would have to abide by the shop rules of keeping things as neat and as organized as possible. I understand you can only do so much when your working on a car but I have been in shops that were a complete disaster. They looked like shit and people treated them as such. I would certainly hope people from cr would have respect and I am confident in this. I appreciate how hard people have to work to make their money. If someone is willing to spend it on me I will offer the best service I can.
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I have spent the day looking at spaces and its slim pickings for exactly what I am looking for without forcing prices up to $400 a month per bay like I have seen the only other places doing this sort of thing. I have found a pretty decent location close to 270 and 70 interchange on east side with plenty of parking, and freeway access. The hope was to also have outdoor storage which at this time doesnt seem possible. At least not at this location. I am looking at 10000 sq ft of space of which sam may take 3000. The downside of this building is that it is a shared space. The possibility is there to install either a floor to ceiling dividing wall(costly) or a chainlink fence which would go around 10' high. The good thing is that the other tenant is only using it for storage, which means someone comes over once a week to get material. Personally I wouldnt mind having the chainlink fence dividing the areas, but my tools are in a locked tool box. Also if insurance forces me to seperate the bays would you mind having your car only surrounded by a 6' chainlink fence surrounded on all 4 sides and locked? Keep in mind that the are where the monthly storage takes place would be off limit to daily customers. However monthly customers renting a bay like this will have 24hr access. Allowed in by a access code. I guess they could potentially scale a fence and mess with someone elses bay but I dont think someone willing to rent monthly is looking to do this sort of thing. Barbwire could be used to seperate the tops. Ceiling heights in the places required to give the space needed make it to difficult to seperate each floor to ceiling. I have found a good enough rate on the space to hopefully keep costs down. All the places I have researched so far are literally around $400 a month. To me thats just to high. Anyone have some opinions? So far it looks like each bay will include a "bay wide" bench, lights, secured by at least a 6' fenced and be lockable.
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Same with all of the Naval Bases I was stationed at. They called them Auto Hobby Shops and were based on a rent-per-hour basis for lifts, tools, bays., etc. They also offered short and long-term storage as well.


It was great, but it takes a ton of overhead and man-hours to keep running.



Most of the big AF bases have these too. I know there is one at Wright Pat. in Dayton. They are always so busy. There seems to always be a waiting list to use something.

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Our labor rate at the shop is around $85 per hour, you figure that is what you pay for our expertise and our facilities. So, take out the expertise fee and that is the facility fee. I would say $40-$50 for non CR members, $30-$40 with the hook up. Of course that depends on your monthly budget to operate.


I wouldn't want to pay more than $40 per hour, you figure some people cannot do brakes (for example) as quickly as others, so the price needs to be fair for those DIY once and awhile people. (Not that I am one of those people, but I think that is what I would feel)


You may offer discounts on the rates if the customer is just doing an oil change maybe knock $5-$10 off the rate since with a lift and a little experience shouldn't take to terribly long to drain/fill the oil and inspect the car/check tire pressures.


You could make fluids available as well on a "just in case" basis, or set up shop near a couple parts stores.

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I know someone who has had this very same idea and even owns his own warehouse and has decided not to do it.


The rest of the post has been deleted-


its too easy to piss on someones parade it is hard enough to come up with an idea let alone bring it to fruition- good luck bro- let me know if I can help with the number projections.

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I know someone who has had this very same idea and even owns his own warehouse and he thinks anyone willing to pay the hourly rent it would take to support the overhead/liability can afford to build his own garage up and not have to share/wait/or risk damage/theft. That said I would like to see your number projections on this and see if I can get his input. I am the last to piss on someones parade- it is hard enough to come up with an idea let alone put it into fruition.


You dont honestly think I would willingly show them do you. Just out of curiousity.

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Why not buy land, then build what you would need to accommodate the size that you are looking for?


If you get a place within an hour or two of water, people could store boats and water stuff too.


Now is the time to buy, and buying land is a great investment, especially a little more further East of your area, I'm only talking 20 min.

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Why not buy land, then build what you would need to accommodate the size that you are looking for?


If you get a place within an hour or two of water, people could store boats and water stuff too.


Now is the time to buy, and buying land is a great investment, especially a little more further East of your area, I'm only talking 20 min.


The startup capital needed for that type of situation would warrant significant cost increases for customers. I want people to actually be able to afford to use the services. I have visited sites that do this type of thing and some are $600-800 per month for a space. I just cant see anyone paying that kind of money. I want it to be affordable. I am sure someone could start a similar business with the confidence of having long term viabilty but I have yet to see one which hasnt suffered significant financial loss. I would start mall and see where it goes. If after a year I felt it wasnt a smart move and nobody actually showed up, then I would be forced to close the doors. Not as easy when you have a huge start up.

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Haha- dude get real- just trying to help...


Good luck!

Lets see, and I will start off with no need to edit your post, You wont offend me, I am not a child. Secondly, you state in your post you know a guy that owns a warehouse and has thought about doing this as well. Now for a minute think about the time that I have put into this idea. Dont get me wrong, its not an original idea by any strectch of the imagination. But an idea nonetheless. I have done market research travelled around visiting other like business, put hrs and hrs of phone calls and presentations together, and other things that go into a business start-up. Yet you would like me to show a complete stranger my "numbers". Why one earth for a split second would I do that? The chances of me being able to swing opening the doors on this is astronomical. So why after my time and money are spent would I take a chance giving someone who could potentially be a competitor a leg up. I really am curious to hear your answer. Hell I am interested to hear who everyone agrees with because maybe I am wrong and I should list them here for everyone to see. Maybe its just the fact that I just got home from work and I really should be in bed since I am tired, but perhaps, just perhaps I am correct and what your asking for just doesnt make a whole lotta sense. I am not going to ebattle about this but from time to time I really am interested where people are coming from. Maybe your right, just let me know so I have something to base my own opinion own.

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I would be in for monthly storage of my car. I am stuck in a house for the next 14 years with no garage and nowhere to build a garage. I think the idea of a CR Crew hangout would be cool, especially to get together and work on the cars together.
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