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Perhaps a different Xmas this year?


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As I drove home from work last night, turned into my court, I oddly noticed something? Not ONE home had ANY Xmas lights out??? Now I've lived here since 1995 & Yes we've put lights up over the years. We stopped for several reasons, I'm older & it is a pain in the ass, obviously my sons are now grown, & WORST of all - we had some ass clowns cutting the wires over the past few Xmas's. But there are a number of homes with kids, believing in Santa etc. Maybe =


* All the world unrest has impacted us more than ever?

* Maybe others have had their lights wires snipped?

* Perhaps this early winter weather stopped folks from putting them up

I don't know, but it is odd? I guess this year willbe a little different, a quiet Xmas holiday???

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Assclowns snipping wires?

I have never heard of this before, WTF it that about? Damn juviniles need an ass beating.


My mom and neighbor used to put up thousands of lights and decorations...used to look really pimp. Then starting a few years ago random strings of lights would be out. After a little investigation we found that the wires were cut. We would replace or repair the wire and everything would be great for another day or two....then BAM! - cut wires again!


My mom and neighbor finally got sick of it and stopped. :nono:


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I dont have x-mas light out on the house, because my house is 2 stories and I would about 30 feet off the ground hanging lights and I dont want to goto the hospital when I fall off the ladder. We have two x-mas trees, a small one in the front of the house, visable from the road and the main one in our 2 story room. Next year, I may add more lights in the trees in front of our house.
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I dont have x-mas light out on the house, because my house is 2 stories and I would about 30 feet off the ground hanging lights and I dont want to goto the hospital when I fall off the ladder. We have two x-mas trees, a small one in the front of the house, visable from the road and the main one in our 2 story room. Next year, I may add more lights in the trees in front of our house.


2 stories makes it more fun! Just climb up there, then run around on the roof ;)


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I've noticed the same thing about lack of xmas lights. In my neighborhood I think just all the kids grew up and moved out and now the parents just dont give a fuck. And I'm working alot so it doesnt feel like christmas at all and I hate my life once again. I can't believe christmas isnt even fun anymore. Come on people, put up some ridiculous ass fuckin xmas lights.
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Got a mini tree in the window upstairs, and the full size in the living room next to the fireplace. Cozy.



i have my lights up. and a tree. and lots of other decorations. you guys can come over and kick it for a while. if you dont have any spirit, you can borrow some of mine.


If by that you mean lots of eggnog and booze, in.

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