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coltboostin nopi... dsm shot out

Guest 83 SB regel

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  83 SB regel said:
just so fuck face dosen't bullshit you guys he was at nopi . he runs 10.86 and dynos out at 406 hp at the wheels there. got video of it all......


Wow Colt had everyone duped until you came on here. You're a fucking genius.

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  83 SB regel said:
just so fuck face dosen't bullshit you guys he was at nopi . he runs 10.86 and dynos out at 406 hp at the wheels there. got video of it all......



Coltboostin' didn't dyno at Nopi. That red colt GT hatch was another friend of ours. 406whp is about 100hp shy of what coltboostin' was making last summer.

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  83 SB regel said:
just so fuck face dosen't bullshit you guys he was at nopi . he runs 10.86 and dynos out at 406 hp at the wheels there. got video of it all......


Although I do applaud the effort, which means you cared enough to search to get the insider info on my heap, that was my friend's hatch, not me. I did tune his car though, does that count? The fact you care at all brings a tear to my eye, really...:lol:


Nice try sweety. If you wanted Video proof of my ET, MPH, and WHP, all you have to do is ask.


Funny for a "racing" forum, but this thing called proof I speak of is something that most of the toolbags here lack. Your cars all seem to be powered and raced on hopes and dreams. Where can I pick some up? :funny: :popcorn:

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What's funny is that this Colt will beat 90% of this boards street/racer cars roll or dig (if he can launch it decently). Which includes the almighty Corvette club. Granted it's still a Dodge Colt and will always be one, but still people on here continue to knock the car. Hey it's faster than your car so I'd stop talking if I were most of you. Now me personally I don't care for Coltboy (though I've never met him), but face it: His car will beat your car.
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  SHIEF said:
What's funny is that this Colt will beat 90% of this boards street/racer cars roll or dig (if he can launch it decently). Which includes the almighty Corvette club. Granted it's still a Dodge Colt and will always be one, but still people on here continue to knock the car. Hey it's faster than your car so I'd stop talking if I were most of you. Now me personally I don't care for Coltboy (though I've never met him), but face it: His car will beat your car.

Not all of us drive an envoy.

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  powers said:
Not all of us drive an envoy.

I know :(

You can chalk your car up there with those that would've lost had he ACTUALLY came down here. Now maybe this off season, that will be a different story for you powers. Just have to wait and see I guess.

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  SHIEF said:
Maybe not the TT (SlowC5) but for the rest of them this past year, definitly.

You are clueless. What you think you know about Mike's car you don't and I would put money on Sam if he and Mike raced from a roll. Dig isn't even for consideration the bananna wins that hands down.


What kind of numbers do you think a cammed sprayed bolt on Z06 makes? Not to mention the 400lb+ weight difference between a Z06 and a C5.


Shief why don't you pull your head out of your ass before posting from now on? That would help you not sound like an idiot.


The colt VS Sam last summer colt loses from any roll or dig. The colt is in pieces and has been sold to other people so that car is gone the shell is left.

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  powers said:

The colt VS Sam last summer colt loses from any roll or dig. The colt is in pieces and has been sold to other people so that car is gone the shell is left.


Bahahha!!!!! :funny: Unless his piched up 8+mph since his last track visit. :lol:


You guys must have the Anit-Gravity mod in C-bus or some shit!!


Or, some good as dank.

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