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Ok, who's got the slowest and fastest connection speed? (test)


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I think I win the slowest category.


Connection Type Connection Speed

16.4 Kbps - You 16.4 kbps



Wow, it's even slower than the last time I tested it.


I'm seriously going to look into some satellite broadband since no hardlines are available in my area. Does anyone know anything about satellite internet?

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my RR cable has me at:


Your download speed : 4482 kbps or 560.2 KB/sec.

Your upload speed : 422 kbps or 52.8 KB/sec.


and this is with mIRC open, a music stream going and using the internet all at the same time as the test.

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I usually hover around 3200-3500kbps w/ RoadRunner in Delaware.


Austin, I had Earthlink cable internet (it's still Time Warner's equipment, same as RR) when I lived in Ashville. I was right in the middle of town though, but you might see if it's available to you. I was pretty pleased with it. I have heard that satellite has a fair amount of lag, and is easily affected by weather/cloud cover.

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  twistedfocus said:
I usually hover around 3200-3500kbps w/ RoadRunner in Delaware.


Austin, I had Earthlink cable internet (it's still Time Warner's equipment, same as RR) when I lived in Ashville. I was right in the middle of town though, but you might see if it's available to you. I was pretty pleased with it. I have heard that satellite has a fair amount of lag, and is easily affected by weather/cloud cover.



I don't live IN Ashville. I live a few miles east of town, out 752, by Walnut Crk. Pk. We've been here 3-4 years, and STILL no broadband of any kind. It really is quite ridiculous. BTW, it's Insight's cable service.


It amazes me how dumb they are. Our cable was out for about a week straight, including X-mas eve. and X-mas day. They swore up and down they had no clue as to why it was not working. They (supposedly) sent a guy out while nobody was at home, and claimed they fixed it. We get home, and it still didn't work. So, after going out to follow the line, we found the pole that it ran to. We looked up and what do we CLEARLY see unplugged? The cable line. So, they sent out a second tech to try and fix it. He still couldn't figure it out, so I finally went out and showed him that it was physically unplugged. He looked at me and said, "You know what? You might be right. I bet that's why it's not working...." Gee, ya think?!?!?!?!?


I have definitely not been impressed with Insight.


I have heard that our power company (South Central Power) is offering satellite broadband. I also heard that they are overloaded right now, and are not taking any new customers currently, which sucks.


I just can't win with this whole broadband thing.

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6324 kbps DOWN

651 kbps UP


I just had Wow installed 3-4 days ago b/c shitty time warner cannot reach an agreement with the assfucks at Sinclair broadcasting. I wanted to watch the game today in HD. Either i got a over the air receiver or i got wow. They gave me their 6mb internet, hd dvr plus 2 other rooms with digital boxes and basically all the same channels i had digital with TW for 5 bucks less a month. I have faster interweb and 2 extra rooms for a better deal, couldn't pass it up.

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  AustinL911 said:

I'm seriously going to look into some satellite broadband since no hardlines are available in my area. Does anyone know anything about satellite internet?



Dude, don't ... Satellite is not worth the money that you pay for it. We have Direcway at my parent's house because we are in the same situation you are. Two miles one way there's RR, 1/2 mile the other way there's RR, it re-god-damn-diculous. The people at Direcway are fuck sticks and when I call them I spend half the time on the phone with them trying to understand what they're saying ... then I'm usually three steps ahead of them in what they're telling me what to do. The connection is maybe 4x's faster than dial up and almost triple the cost. If I were you, I'd suffer through the dial up. Sorry to say, satellite's just not worth it.

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