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Extremely hot Euro girls... watch it, but leave after the first guy dies. It's all downhill from there. Why the fuck were people clapping when the people died? People are straight fucked up.



Jana Kaderabkova and Barbara Nedeljakova


I tried googling them, but to no avail. Guess you gotta watch it to see em nekkid ;)

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there wasn't really any tortore scenes, they always seemed to cut out right when the gore was going on, there were a few scenes that were interesting but there was hardly any torture scenes, it was mostly about the one dude's escape attempt
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1: A huge Quentin Fan.

2: A huge gore fan.


But this film is not worthy of neither Quentin's name nor be dubbed the worst /goriest movie of the decade.


I see more gore daily playing video games.

This movie sucked.

The paramedics hype was just crap!!!

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i thought the movie was very good


1st half was nothing but a tit fest! and what's wrong with that?

and the second half had some cool torture scenes in it, the best aspect had to be the revenge scenes, o though there were plenty of gore scenes, i don't wanna go to a movie to throw up all my dinner!....and yes i was clapping when those dumb bitches got run over!!



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I thought it was awsome. I also thought that it had a very important message, that apparently not alot of people caught. (and no, im not talking about "don't stay in a hostel in batslava")


warning: semi spoiler


Also my brother says that the NC-17 version was shitloads better. more torture, and the alternate ending is, at the end the bad guy is at the train station to pick up his daughter, and they both(the dude and his daughter) go into the different bathrooms and they make it look like hernandez is going to kill the guy, but instead they show him and the daughter on the train leaving.


true not as "cool" as the way it did end, but it does add that "whats he going to do to her" effect, and essentially everyone gets what they wanted.

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I think clapping during a movie says a lot about the movie. think about it...


the point of any performance, be it musical, theatrical, or cinematic, is to allow the audience to dissociate itself from reality for a given amount of time. at a concert, you're not going to go rock out to metallica in order to figure out how to get your taxes in order. you're going because metallica fucking rocks and their show will entertain you. you don't go see "hostel" because your wife won't let you piitb and you're looking for a way to convince her. you're going because you want to suspend your disbelief that there is no fucking way that kind of torture chamber could exist; you want to get lost in the movie and actually believe that kinda shit could happen. why is clapping for an awesomely filmed scene in a movie any different from clapping for an awesome Flea bass solo?


EDITed for tard grammar

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