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detroit auto show/windsor


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i know its gettin kinda last minute, but the autoshow starts this weekend. im heading up friday and goin over to windsor for the night, hit up some strip clubs, head back over to detroit sat morn, go to the auto show. my buddy can get free tickets, ive got about 5 on order from him now, but i think im going to have at least 2 extras. anyone wants to ride up friday, im gonna try to leave around 330ish so i can get to windsor, check into a hotel, and start drinkin. if anyone wants to split a hotel room, let me know, as im not goin to book it till thursday



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im meetin up with a buddy of mine in detroit for the show...the one hes getting the tickets from. if i go with anyone from here, its just gonna be w/ one of my friends.


if you want to come up friday with us and party in windsor, let me know

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