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Northside > Eastside


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Oops, I had JCC on the list and deleted it for a grammatical correction. +1 for JCC.


And if you think JCC is cheap, ask the guy that paid $300k+ for his Continental GT to be the first around to have the new one.


I'll let it slide this time. ;) Who bought the Continental GT, I haven't seen it yet.

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I'm really glad your in school, cuz you should stay there an learn geography.


For starters Dublin is not north rest north west yes.


Second Nationwide is downtown, Delaware, and Dublin.




As for Dublin schools, I won't comment on what I don't know. But I do Know that southwestern schools scored in the top 100 school districts in the country for the proficiency test (not bad for the west side). As for money outside of 270 its pretty much everywhere. But your probably right about NA its probably overpriced and over inflated...



Dublin is North...anytime your city has corp limits inside of Delaware county, you are north.


True, New ALbany = young new money!

There is a lot of old old money here too. Some of the most prominent people in Columbus live out here


BTW, living in a really nice suburb far far away from the city, but being able to get downtown in 15 min >*

670 >*

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Latitudinally, Dublin is what direction from Columbus? North..


Dublin is northwest of Columbus Delaware is north of Columbus. Dublin is norht of Hilliard which is west of Columbus. So again Dublin is northwest of columbus if you want to get techical.


here is a picture to make it easier for you to understand.





Nationwide's chief officers mostly live on the east side. Many of the employees of the downtown building live on the east side. My dad used to be CIO, and my friend is the top private recruiter for Nationwide. Trust me on this.



Who cares where they live in your orginal post you said businesses not employees of said business.

More big businesses? The Limited, M/I Homes, Nationwide. The draw for those is primarily east side.


Once again thanks for playing go back to school....mmmmkay

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Dublin is North...anytime your city has corp limits inside of Delaware county, you are north.


I'm in dublin as we speak currently in franklin county not all of is in delware and if you look on a map it is in the northwest corner of Col.



anyone got a dead horse that needs a beating :)

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Dublin is northwest of Columbus Delaware is north of Columbus. Dublin is norht of Hilliard which is west of Columbus. So again Dublin is northwest of columbus if you want to get techical.


here is a picture to make it easier for you to understand.








Who cares where they live in your orginal post you said businesses not employees of said business.



Once again thanks for playing go back to school....mmmmkay



Dublin stretches into delaware county therefore it =north


The limited is on the eastside, you know, by EASTON, as well as Abercrombie

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I'm in dublin as we speak currently in franklin county not all of is in delware and if you look on a map it is in the northwest corner of Col.



anyone got a dead horse that needs a beating :)


north arrow points up, which way do you have to look to see dublin...up..


therefore dublin=north

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Arguing about which side of town is better is dumb. Are you guys going to start shooting each other over which side of town is better?


Even dumber, arguing about 'your' side of town being better when you live in an apartment (probably for one year, then you'll live in another part of town), or where your parents own a house.

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north arrow points up, which way do you have to look to see dublin...up..


therefore dublin=north


true it is north all im saying that its in the north west side of columbus and when someone says westside of columbus I think dublin, hilliard, galloway.



If your downtown and you tell someone your going up north do you think of dublin or do you think delaware, polaris, westerville.


thats all I'm saying

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Hilliard is westside. Westside is not invited to this thread.


And my family still lives here in Blacklick, which is on the east side. I currently am in Blacklick. Therefore, I still know what it is like on the eastside of Columbus. Thanks for playing, you lose, good bye.


You went to Thomas? Did you know Tedi Castelli or Evan Babcock?


Ya I knew Evan. He goes to Boston doesn't he? We used to have Halo lans. His last name was the source of so many nicknames.

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Arguing about which side of town is better is dumb. Are you guys going to start shooting each other over which side of town is better?


Even dumber, arguing about 'your' side of town being better when you live in an apartment (probably for one year, then you'll live in another part of town), or where your parents own a house.



Condo >*

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To Adam: Tedi is a slut, but she's one of my favorite people ever. She goes to GWU now, and hates it there. Funny bitch.


To Mike: Yeah, he's at BU now. I've partied with him a few times. He's a cool dude, but he smokes way too much.


To Shawn: I believe the intention of naming big businesses was to suggest that there is more income drawn from families that live in the areas of the aforementioned businesses. By naming Nationwide, The Limited/Abercrombie, and M/I, I was suggesting (accurately, I might add), that the majority of the families of employees of these enormous companies live on the east side, thus also insinuating that the income of these families is generally spent locally and that the east side has larger potential for its economy. However, it is entirely a moot point because no one, other than you and I and the people in this thread are going to discrimminate where our money is spent relative to which way the compass rose points. [sarcasm]From now on I propose a boycott of all purchases of goods made, shipped, or in any way value-added in the North side of Columbus.[/sarcasm]

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Well, I'm about 20 min south of Columbus. The way I see it is: I'm further away from Cleveland than everyone else, and we all know the further north you go, the dumber people get. i.e Marion, Cleveland, etc...


:lol: :lol:

thats why i left cleveland, to hit up OSU ... and each time i go back, i dont want to go back and stay here in columbus more and more ...


and To be honest, columbus isnt all that great either but F-cleveland weather ...


btw I think you are all WRONG, central is the best place, right here on campus is the best place to live IF you dont have a car and dont mind b*tch*ng at the street bumms ...

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