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Understanding people's alliances to NFL teams?


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Ok so looking at the response from steelers fans i have a curiosity as to why people like pro teams


say you are from cinci...and you like the bengals thats...your city



for example i don't care about the NFL i like NCAA. Ohio State is my team of choice because I am a student there they are my school.


it seems like some fans of football teams are just fans because their friends are or their family are fans.


what am i missing?

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what am i missing?


Considering you made a post accusing people to be fans of a team due to peer pressure...it appears what you seem to be missing is a life. How hypocritical is your accusation if you root for a team only because you live somewhere or go to a certain school?


Anyways, I was born and raised in Pittsburgh.


Who dey what?

13 and what?


Denver will be next.

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congrats to Pitt in an amazing one-foot tackle by Roethlisberger to save the game. amazing football.


I'm faithful to the Patriots because i'm originally from CT. other than that, my alliance changes by team. i've always hated bill cowher, but i give Pitt credit this year because their game was solid. i hate the colts, but i still respect their ability to be an amazing NON-PLAYOFF team. i can't wait to see pitt vs. ? in the big final, i sincerely hope its the bears because that would be an amazing game.

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My father has been a Steelers fan since 1967, he was born and raised in Pittsburg. I as well as my brother, was born in pittsburg. Lived there till I was 3 and Marc was 1. They are my team because I was born there, have family there, and I inherited it from my father. Thats why I BLEED BLACK AND GOLD BABY!!!!! LETS GO STEELERS!!!!!!!!!
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Considering you made a post accusing people to be fans of a team due to peer pressure...it appears what you seem to be missing is a life. How hypocritical is your accusation if you root for a team only because you live somewhere or go to a certain school?

No need to be a cock jockey about it, sounds like someone pissed in your cereal. I was simply asking what makes people fans of NFL teams


I pay tuition and go to school at OSU why is that so hypocritical that I like that team?


and about me having no life you obviously know nothing about me, if you really want to bring that aspect about that into a simple question I made then you might be the one without a life. If you really want to we could compare lives? I don't know how that works but I wouldn't want to shatter your hopes and dreams. Please go rub one off, come back and maybe by then someone will have answered my simple question.


edit to others thanks for answering the question. without being homosexual.

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I was born in pittsburgh, im a steelers fan. I live in columbus and go to OSU, Im a buckeyes fan.

Now why my second favorite teams are the bears, and notre dame Ill never fully understand, it was just the teams my friends and I cheered for since we were little.

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Guest mithesaint
The very first football game I remember was Walter Payton's last game in 1987, I think it was against the Skins in the playoffs. I was intrigued, did some reading, and have been a Bears fan ever since. Thick and thin. Mostly thin. Had a good run this year though.
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I've been a Steelers fan since I was little b/c I idolized my bigger brother. He was 16 when I was born and I just grew up with wanting to be like him. So I caught the Steeler fever. My parents are Bengals (dad) and Browns (mom) fans.
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Our father, who art in Pittsburgh,

football be thy name.

Thy Kingdom come,

4 Super Bowls won,

on earth as it is in Heinz Field.

Give us this day a play-off victory,

and forgive us our penalties,

as we defeat those who play against us.

And lead us into a victory,

and deliver us to Detroit.


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Our father, who art in Pittsburgh,

football be thy name.

Thy Kingdom come,

4 Super Bowls won,

on earth as it is in Heinz Field.

Give us this day a play-off victory,

and forgive us our penalties,

as we defeat those who play against us.

And lead us into a victory,

and deliver us to Detroit.



That's awesome! :cool:


<--Born in Pittsburgh. 96% of my family still live in Pittsburgh. I was raised a Steeler fan.


I dont get it Berto...if you like a team you like a team. Why do people always have to defend themselves? I'm really sick of people asking my why I live in Ohio and not root for an Ohio team. Same with OSU...I used to hate the buckeyes under Cooper. Over the past 2-3 years I have started to come around...hell, I bought season tickets last year. I'm still not a die hard OSU fan and I probably never will be...NFL is better in my opinion. Just let people root for who they want and remember in the end it's just a game.


You dont hear anyone asking why you like the bucks do you?


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He's referring to people that, for instance, were born and raised in columbus but are Michigan fans.


He's referring to people that Never, ever show their "love" for a team unless that team is on ESPN in a positive way, or is having a decent season.


He's referring to dumbass broads who wear jersies around to get cock (Knisley should try it sometime, because the lord knows he isn't getting any pussy).


People he is NOT referring to are the people flaming him in this thread, like Marc. Everyone knows you have every right to be a proud steelers fan, and I for one am happy for you. I love it when teams that don't "normally" (I know the steelers are always decent, but they're having a better than normal couple of years) do spectacular come through for their fans and give them something to be happy about.

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* I've been to Heinz field for 3 games this year, then went to Cinncy for 1st Steeler/Bengal game

* I froze last January in Heinz field in AFC championship (with my sons) as we watched Pgh get torched (again) by the Pats

* I watched in awe at the Steelers during the 70's

* I watched Neil O'donnell THROW the superbowl in '96 (i'll always hate that guy)

* I've not done things around the house on Sundays becuase my Steelers were playing


I love them both in good years & bad. Tailgating is serious stree relief & you meet neat people. List goes on & on. I could've probably done some serious mods to my vette, instead I spent lots of $$$$$$ going to Pgh over the years to watch the Steelers. Guess it's like a coke habit? Once you get started, ya just can't quit -

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Another example is, some people will root for the opposing team just so they can rub it in your face when your team loses. We have one guy at work, who grew up in upstate New York, so of course he is a Dolphins fan (rivals of the Bills), moved to Columbus area, and he roots for Michigan, even though he doesn't actually watch Michigan games. That's the worst kind of fan, if you ask me.


Myself, I'm from Illinois, so I root for the Bears! But they played like shit against the Panthers, so it's not a surprise they lost.

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i was born in cincy, and they fascinated me as of kid (i thought the uniform was cool) stupid reason to like a team but i watched them as i grew up and now thery're my favortie team even though they didnt go all the way.

On the other note, its not peer pressure that make people like a certain team, you kind of get to be part of something that u like and others like, and when your team wins you get a since of accomplishment accompanied by a hoarse voice and goin to games is really the only way you would understand why u would cheer any team on. Plus pro teams have way more talent than college thats where real football happens.

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I was born in Rochester, NY and lived there for 22 years. You’d think I’d be a Bills fan like everyone else, but no. The Green Bay Packers were the only pro team my father and I could agree on (he hates the Yankees and was never much of a hockey fan; my NHL team is the Rangers), so I became a fan of them. They are still my team today. College sports in New York is pretty much non-existent (only a few D1 colleges exist), so with my wife an OSU alumni, when I moved here in 2000 I became an OSU fan… :)
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