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Read-ended w/ hit & run


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Guest MissTypeS
Is it really necessary to call her a dumb cunt? Do you not have any other adjectives in your vocabulary that could accurately describe her? Cunt has got to be one of THE MOST offensive words when its in reference to a person. Not that my opinion matters in the slightest, I just wanted to comment. Thanks.
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Is it really necessary to call her a dumb cunt? Do you not have any other adjectives in your vocabulary that could accurately describe her?


Cunt is a noun. :)


CR Vocabulary, Spelling, Function and Grammatical Police

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oh hell yes, its the "cunt" discussion.



Here are my thoughts: the word "cunt" is for some reason looked at by women as the most offensive pejorative or most vile description of the vagina.

Now, where as the word "n****r" has a very obviously etymological and historic reference as a derogatory term, "cunt" is much more obscure. Notice how I don't use asteriks' for "cunt". Part of this is a gender issue; men don't really give a fuck about the use of the word because we don't see it as particularly horrific, or as having a long-standing reign as a way to put women down.

The etymology of cunt refers us to possible Germanic roots (kuntas, which means female genitalia) but especially Anglo-European. Supposedly in the 13th century, it was used to describe the absolute lowest class of women, seen as the Hindu people see the "Untouchables". However, this is obviously not a well known use of the word, and there is very little evidence linking the word "cunt" to any specific events or points in history where "cunt" has been associated with the oppression of women.


Thus, I can only conclude that women hate the word "cunt" because they truly want to hate it, and for no other reason. I think the only reason it bothers women is because they accept the males' supposition that it is somehow a pejorative term.



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I'm with DJ on that one keep the stereotypin crap off man.


I may have got into stuff in the past, but i've always made sure to have at the very min. my insurance that covers the other party concerned through geico. CAn't mess around with having to pay off something that's 10k+ outta pocket.


Sorry that it happened to you ant.



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Sorry to hear about your incodent, Anthony. Glad it looks like shit's taken care of at least.


Must be that season or something. I was just T-boned by some dickless piece of shit Firday night. He went through this stop sign while I was turning left to the road he was coming from and he just barreled right into my driver side door on my Legacy. I start my car back up again, he backs up, and zips around me like a bat out of hell! I had to race after him and did catch up, called the police on my way to catch him, and reported his liscense. The dispatch officer instructed me to pull over so the police could meet me where I was to take a report. When the police showed up, one cop said "yeah, we know who this guy is already. He's a piece of shit. On probation and he's a complete piece of shit" Apparently he went back home and when the police showed up, he wanted to know what happened to his car....how lame. I have yet to find out if he had insurance or not, but I went to the hospitol later that night just to know I'm alright, as my arm's still sore from where the door was pushed into me. I do have uninsured colision insurance on my Legacy, but not medical. I don't know why I don't have medical on there, but I think I'll be adding it soon...


These ppl do offensive things, and therefore, it is appropriate to refer to them as cunts.

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