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Qsl 7/23


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Not 100% certain yet, but SamBusa & I are wanting to come down this Wednesday night.

We're probably gonna go to the Pony first, a little earlier, as he's never been there before, and wants to check it out. Thought we'd throw the word out there, in case anybody'd like to meet up with us there......Then cruise on over to Quaker together in a group.

This would also alleviate us havin' to park in the center/turn lane on Polaris Pkwy between the Shell & BP so we don't accidentally choose sides and piss everybody off before we even get to meet 'em ;)hitfan.gif

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I havent gone lately but I will come out and hang with you guys. How about grabbing some dinner first??

We usually just grab somethin' to eat at QSL. You sound like you're wantin' to eat someplace else?

+1, i wouldnt mind seeing you guys again with both eyes this time.
Ditto. I owe our new Airborne graduate a beer!!
that's awesome you're coming down. I'll be there fo sho

Cool!! Like I said above though.....It's not for certain yet. Sam's got some wiring issues with his brake light he's trying to sort out before then. Otherwise....This week looks great as my oldest is finally done with baseball, and no football practice that night. I/We'll keep you posted

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qsl is packed on wednesdays. probably should hit up roosters or something beforehand.

Didn't someone on here mention Rooster's as a strip bar before?!? rofl.gif

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I'm off all day so i'll be around.

When were you planning to go to Pony?

Not really sure of the details yet Bret. I'll post in here as soon as we do

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Ok cool.

I'll be on here till 1am. If later than that shoot me a text (PM sent) with times etc.

It's more likely going to be tomorrow Bret. I didn't get a chance to talk with Sam today, and he's probably in bed already.

Best guess is it'll be late afternoon by the time we got down there. Figure an hour or two to peruse the Pony since this is his first visit to Mecca. What time does bike nite "start" anyways? I think we usually get there around 7'ish in the past. How long does it take to get from IP to QSL?

If I leave my house by 1:00 to get to him by 2:00 to get to IP by 3:30, with an hour or 2 there.....We're lookin' at 5/5:30 best I figure??? If pepe's wanna eat somewhere besides QSL, that's gonna add at least another hour for anything non "fast food"

I may be able to bump my departure time to noon, but that's gonna depend on the sitter situation

And again.....This is all dictated by weather & if Sam got his wiring fixed

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What time does bike nite "start" anyways? I think we usually get there around 7'ish in the past. How long does it take to get from IP to QSL?

the usual score is meet up around 7, head over a little after that...

not long from the pony to QSL. 10 minutes maybe.

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Need to get ahold Kyle. He's the key to my wiring problem. I've got to go get 100 bales of hay and stack in the barn and then I'll be hitting the wiring. So weather weather is the only thing that could stop us.

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i suck i work this week so no bike night for me! hope you guys all have a great time!

If you need me to take that bike out for you just let me know. I knew I should of waited till winter to paint and powder coat. :(

But bike or not, I will try to meet up with you ass goblins. Just keep us posted with the tail light situation

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Lookin forward to a nice little hump day meat.
wrapit.gifYou KNOW it Baabeeee....Can't wait to cum down!!! gayfight2.gif

Weather's lookin' PERFECT the next 2 days, so that won't be an issue.

Anybody familiar with rear end wiring on a 'Busa, to help Sam figure out what's what??

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