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Maybe the fastest STI in columbus area...


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No offense, but I see so many people toss a SHIT TON of money into a car, finally get it finished and where they really want it, then sell it without ever enjoying the fruits of their labor and/or money spent. I understand things come up, or people go over budget and now can't pay bills because of it, but I'd like to think that's not always the case. I guess that's my "flaming" if you want to call it that, though I'm making a more general comment than anything directly about this situation.


I don't really see why you guys care?


Life happens, things change and so do priorities. Sometimes you just get plain bored with shit and want a change (hence the modding process from the beginning). The point is you can't hold on to every project you start and finish forever.


Shit, I can't even think what I would do with all of those cars/bikes if I still had them. That's just what I can think of.....WHAT WOULD YOU STILL HAVE IF YOU NEVER DECIDED TO SELL A CAR/BIKE/TRUCK PROJECT???

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