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I Hate Cops


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My bro got a ticket from Perry Township police for having dark window tint. Its not really dark (35%) at all. I swear, they should have better things to do than single someone out for tint. There are so many cars ive seen out there with even darker tint and i bet they didnt even get a ticket. But Perry Pigs are a**holes as well. But are they allowed to pull you over for that? Or do they have to have another reason to pull u over besides window tint? I got a ticket a while back from Worthington for tint (35%) and my ticket was only 40 bucks. My bros was 110. Could he fight it? I just think that they should have better things to do than to get someone for window tint. Theres people out there thats getting there cars broken into, vandalism, etc and they have to give people tickets for tint?????????BULLSH*T!!!!!!!!!I just hate certain cops PERIOD......
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nope, just like blackout said.. probable cause. if you didnt want to get a ticket for window tint, dont fucking tint your windows. simple as that. if you cant accept the fact that they're just doing there job, you're a fucking dumbass.
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I thought 35% was legal?



No darker than 50% is legal in Ohio on side and rear windows on a car. Windshield is allowed a 5 or 6 inch strip at the top. A truck is allowed any amount of tint on the REAR glass.


Having too dark of tint is enough reason to pull you over here, and in central ohio many cops will use that as a reason to pull you over in hopes of finding something else illegal.

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im gettin it taken all off and redoing it. I just want tint but for it to be legal cuz now that i think of it $100 ticket for tint is not worth it. Im planning on gettin 50% for the 2 front windows (drivers/passengers) and like 15% in the back windows (just like how a stock SUV or Van would be out of the dealership). Now is that legal?
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I was told the strip was legal on the windshield, 5 inches, and front windows have to be 50% .... any windows behind the driver and passenger door have to be at 35%. This is all of course blown out of the water I guess for SUV's and Trucks because the law specifically states 'cars' ... you'l lget hasseled for it , but with a lawyer there is a good chance to get away with it.



That's how I understand it, correct me where I'm wrong?

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My bro got a ticket from Perry Township police for having dark window tint. Its not really dark (35%) at all. I swear, they should have better things to do than single someone out for tint. There are so many cars ive seen out there with even darker tint and i bet they didnt even get a ticket. But Perry Pigs are a**holes as well. But are they allowed to pull you over for that? Or do they have to have another reason to pull u over besides window tint? I got a ticket a while back from Worthington for tint (35%) and my ticket was only 40 bucks. My bros was 110. Could he fight it? I just think that they should have better things to do than to get someone for window tint. Theres people out there thats getting there cars broken into, vandalism, etc and they have to give people tickets for tint?????????BULLSH*T!!!!!!!!!I hate pigs PERIOD......


If his tint was dark enough to be illegal, then he deserved the ticket. What the fuck is so hard to understand about that? Christ, you're the reason the Bell curve has that little area to the far left. Fucking dumbass.

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So you hate cops because your brother broke the law, and got caught.


Sounds like he got what he deserved. Dark window tint means I might come to your car door with my gun in hand, it only seems safe for law enforcement to enforce these laws to me.

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alright, so now i know why cops do what they do. Also, he did roll his window down when the cop came but didnt work. So now, i dont really have a reason to hate cops. We all take chances (those of us that have illegal tint) when we buy the darker tint (looks good) but will soon enough get cited. Know i know why cops pull us over for dark tint. But i was jw....if its illegal here in Ohio or maybe just the city? Why do they sell the darker tint to regular people? I know that if its a state vehicle or whatever is in those lines they can have it if they choose but why sell it to the public if they know its illegal?
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Don't break the law, don't pay the consequence. If you want to make it complicated, you could call it the transitive property of equality. However, its actually one of those things you're supposed to inherently know, such as how fish routinely avoid non-aquatic environments.


Also, never say you hate "the police". Say you hate "certain" police.

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