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Check this CROC!!!!!!


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Well, not to be out done, this crocodile was on the beach in front of the Petroleum club, Plage Sportive in Pointe Noire (Republic of Congo).


21 ft long, 4,500 lbs, around 80 years old minimum.


Specialists said that he was looking to eat humans because he was too old to catch animals.


For the past few months in some villages close to Pointe Noire people were complaining that some people in their villages have been disappearing, could be this crocodile?


This crocodile was killed by the army last Sunday at 3:00 pm, currently he is in the freezer at the Azur hotel.

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If you're a croc and that freakin huge, how many kills do you have in your life? And how many of those shit themselfs when they saw how big he was?

If i had to guess it would be one every other week or so on average. so maybe 3000ish in a lifetime

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i remember seeing a show on about a year ago where this guy went to a place in africa because a croc kept killing and eating the people of some village, and they were attempting to catch it. after a few weeks or whatever the ammount of time was, they actually caught it without killing it, they put it into this big, long wooden box, some boat or something was coming to pick it up the next day to transfer it to a zoo or some sort of refuge, and when they got up the next morning, it busted open the box and escaped. i specifically remember this because the people were getting eaten as they went to the lake to get water, the croc would grab them, and the guys first day there, he showed the villagers to put up these huge logs into the water so the water would come thru so they could get to it and the croc wouldnt reach them. i dont know if this is the same croc, but it seems really similar
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