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funny bumper stickers


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Guest FBody Addict

"If Kerry was the answer it must have been a stupid question"

"Discourage inbreeding, ban country music" (country fan here other fans don't flame me for that)

"Jesus loves you, everyone else thinks you're an asshole"

"Unless you're a hemmoroid(sp?) get off my ass"

"Stop tailgating me or I'll flick a booger on your windshield"

"Horn broken, watch for finger"

"Warning: Driver carries more than $20 worth of ammo"


ok that's all i can get off the top of my head

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Guest FBody Addict
  Blazen said:
Jimmy died a long time ago..


no he didn't, he's living with elvis, jim morrison, jimi hendrix, janis joplin, and kurt cobain in a bhuddist temple in nepal



  Blazen said:
It's quite apperent that you have trubble reading into things,like my post.


with spelling like that, it's easy to see why

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Nobody cares about how I spell.I don't. So I can't spell as good as you. But you missed the point. You based everything on my first post off an assumption,and insulted me by calling me stupid. Thats why I called you a stupid kid. Key word assumption.


"And it was funny because of other reasons. Like who his dad was." <----- That was in my 2nd post. The reason you wanted to know why. It had nothing to do with the election. But rather who James P. Hoffa was and who he was related to. Just because you don't think it is funny, doesn't mean that everyone else will agree with you. I found it funny. And my friend that saw it with me did too. We made a few cracks at him and what not.


Your just pissed off because you worked for the guy. Save your time and energy,and learn not to make assumptions about people and what thay post.

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  Blazen said:
Nobody cares about how I spell.I don't. So I can't spell as good as you. But you missed the point. You based everything on my first post off an assumption,and insulted me by calling me stupid. Thats why I called you a stupid kid. Key word assumption.


"And it was funny because of other reasons. Like who his dad was."


Your just pissed off because you worked for the guy. Save your time and energy,and learn not to make assumptions about people and what thay post.



I'm still missing the humor. Anyone else finding this funny here???

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So you don't fine why my friend and I found it funny. Move on with your life Ben. You eather understod what I posted and kept beeing a prick or you didn't get it all together. Quoteing my last post and trying to find humor in it will do you no good. Why because it was an atempt to help clear things up for you as to why I found it funny. It's a general statement. It's a post that is ment to be understod and not laughed at.Thats a sad cheep shot Ben. You can get all the people on CR on your side and I will still fined it humorous. The title of this thread is funny bumper stickers. There are no spesifics. Just except the fact that I find humor in it and you don't. This shit is getting really old. Do us both a favor and don't post any more on this. I have better things and other threads to read.
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yeah ben, i did. i have to admit, i chuckled when i saw the original post. the humor was incorrectly based on the assumption that the sticker was relating jimmy hoffa the former, as opposed to the latter. was i wrong? apparently so. was it funny anyways? indeed it was. is it possible that you are taking this shit a bit too seriously? it appears so.


i calls em like i sees em.



edit: i see you didnt get much action from glenn. thats unfortunate, but taking that out on rob is like playing basketball with a retarded kid and calling him for double dribble. you can do it, but it just makes you look like an asshole.:D

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  Blazen said:
So you don't fine why my friend and I found it funny. Move on with your life Ben. You eather understod what I posted and kept beeing a prick or you didn't get it all together. Quoteing my last post and trying to find humor in it will do you no good. Why because it was an atempt to help clear things up for you as to why I found it funny. It's a general statement. It's a post that is ment to be understod and not laughed at.Thats a sad cheep shot Ben. You can get all the people on CR on your side and I will still fined it humorous. The title of this thread is funny bumper stickers. There are no spesifics. Just except the fact that I find humor in it and you don't. This shit is getting really old. Do us both a favor and don't post any more on this. I have better things and other threads to read.


We've got to get spell check on this board.


Can you really read this, and say your spelling and grammer are correct?

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  Orion said:
yeah ben, i did. i have to admit, i chuckled when i saw the original post. the humor was incorrectly based on the assumption that the sticker was relating jimmy hoffa the former, as opposed to the latter. was i wrong? apparently so. was it funny anyways? indeed it was. is it possible that you are taking this shit a bit too seriously? it appears so.


i calls em like i sees em.



edit: i see you didnt get much action from glenn. thats unfortunate, but taking that out on rob is like playing basketball with a retarded kid and calling him for double dribble. you can do it, but it just makes you look like an asshole.:D



I literally just spit on my keyboard. Thanks DJ. Yeah, I'm just being an asshole. I saw the only humor possible in that bumper sticker was if the person misunderstood, and thought it was refering to Hoffa Sr. Obviously, I wasn't the only one. So, I'm an asshole and Rob is a fucking moron. Its cool. Just ask Jesse, I like to beat up on retards.

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