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a 911 vid


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Can anyone read the WARNING at the end of the video? It's too blury for me to make out.


"Under section of the USA patriot act (H.R. 1362) any person or persons found in posession of this information can be held under 'domestic terrorism' and detained without trial at guantannamo bay


You are encouraged to distribute this digital video disc to friends, family, and complete strangers before it is too late to do so


any public performance, unauthorized copying, or distribution via the internet is strongly encouraged"


i always love watching these. there was one a few months ago i loved where it shows the plane crashing in and what looks like a missile hitting the building like 10 feet before the plane does. these always do get me thinking. anything that shows something very credible, like the engines being 'destroyed', the passport hitting the street while everything else was demolished, no body/blood in PA, osama wearing gold (in the other video he has a watch too, both against islam religion) all get you thinking. i am now convinced it wasnt an attack by terrorist. im sure someone will have something to say, but until there are solid answers, i dont buy it

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