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need some answers asap


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ok heres the deal, i had my honda for sal eon the board at work. a guy called me about it wanted the car, was supposed to com elook at it, but couldnt make it, and decided to jsu tbuy it sight unseen. he worked 1st shift i work 2nd. i met him before my shift, at th ecredit union at work. he was supposed to brin gcash, but he didnt/ he wrote me a check, and th elady at the credit union said he had the funds cause they just checked his account. he seems likekma nice guy so i say ok whatever cash is fine. i signed the title over to him, an dgave him the key, and tol dhim to jsut pick it up at my house whemever he likes.



ok so i wanted the cas hright then, so my firend who i work with has a account at the hcredit union as well. i signed the check over to him, he deposited it, mand then gave me the money in cash.


well long story short.. dude who bought the car, leaves me a voice mail and i chekc it when i get off work, he says he is stoppin payment on the check, and blah blah blah. he doesnt want the car.


which pisses me off, dude never wanted to come take a lookat it before he bought it.


plus now the title is signed over to him, which is a big fucking hassel.


what the hell do i do here.


and would his check already have cleared??


since it was deposited in a bank from were the check was orginated from, i thoguht that those checks clear instantly??


so whats the deal, and what shoudl i be doing about this??

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if your buddy cashed the check on his acct and the guy puts stop payment, theres a chance they could pull the funds from his account since thats where it was cashed from. i mgiht have your buddy pulls his funds to make sure he doesnt get f'ed until you get stuff sorted out with the guy who 'bought' the car
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I say hide the car somehow untill things get straightend up. Then I'd make a trip to see him and see WTF changed his mind cause quite frankly he gave you money you gave him the title and a deal is a deal its too late to back out, Maybe have your friend talk to the bank and see what they suggest
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Guest racinbird

You can no longer touch the car, it is in his name. NEVER take a personal check unless you go to HIS bank and CASH it right away. If you have cash from it and you have no account there, its done. If you despoit it into your account then take the money out, he can stop payment and the money will be pulled out from your account.


Talk to the credit union and find out your choices. Did you have a paper writen for "proof of sale" signed by both of you and a witness?? Need to really cover your ass these days, people suck

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well the guy wouldnt even talk to me face to face, he left the title (which is signed over to him, with notarization) at the credit union, along with the key, an i guess the stop paymen twent thoruhg.. but has yet to show up on my friends account... i gave my buddy $600 to put in his account tha the took out for me.


th ecar is in my garage, locked up, and the title is in my house. ill be going to get another title printed up, and ill be burning the other one.


i had some words wiht the asshole. i told him it wasn tabou tth emoney, cause its not, its the fac tthe he entered a legal binding contract and then backed out. but he ws a duesch about it, and well lesson learned the car is stil lfor sale.

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he left the title at th ecredi tunion for me to pick up.

oh forgot to mention he left me $5 to help me wiht getting a new title made.. real nice guy.. dumbass



his name is Lincoln Weaver


Wow, that would piss me off even more, what a slap in the face. I'd tell him I needed to talk to him about something in person so I could shove that five dollars down his throat. Sucks that you two work at the same place, kicking this guys ass=getting fired.

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