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crazy weed set-up

Chad is Dead

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That was gonna be my guess, electricty. Those lights require a shit ton of power and the police can and do monitor this. If you're averaging say $100 a month for electric, then all of the sudden you deciede you want to grow and your electric shoots up to $200... hmm busted! Definately a beautiful Setup though!!
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That was gonna be my guess, electricty. Those lights require a shit ton of power and the police can and do monitor this. If you're averaging say $100 a month for electric, then all of the sudden you deciede you want to grow and your electric shoots up to $200... hmm busted! Definately a beautiful Setup though!!

You overestimate law enforcement. I'll put $20 down that says it was narcs.


I want theat house, think of all the bitchen shit you could put down there. Game room my ass, go-kart track!

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if they tapped the grid they wouldnt have a bill...they would have been stealing electric.......


quoted from the thread i got it...... this guy lives there localy...




Originally Posted by dpfsharkbait

The utility company caught them. They hacked into the lines to avoid the high usage!

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