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so, your mom took away your sti and bought you a cobra?


I guess you didn't read about this in the other thread awhile ago so I will inform you. Please refarin from mother jokes with him. His mother died from cancer when he was in 8th grade. Just an FYI for everyone. And the STi is still at his house. It is what his Dad uses as a daily driver.

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I guess you didn't read about this in the other thread awhile ago so I will inform you. Please refarin from mother jokes with him. His mother died from cancer when he was in 8th grade. Just an FYI for everyone. And the STi is still at his house. It is what his Dad uses as a daily driver.


Do you need a tissue?

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wow, y'all motherfuckers are harsh.


I'm not necessarily standing up for stiracer but jesus tittyfucking christ, have some decency.


Wait.....i forgot I was on CR.



neglect this




<finger poised to hit the "turn alex's phone off" button>

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wow, y'all motherfuckers are harsh.


I'm not necessarily standing up for stiracer but jesus tittyfucking christ, have some decency.


Wait.....i forgot I was on CR.



neglect this


If stiracer were to state his opinion, I would absolutely do the right thing and not mention whatever it is that bothers him.


HOWEVER, when a person comes on the board and asks someone not to mention the word "mom" because someone elses mom died several years ago, it seems like a silly request. I feel badly that his family went through a tough ordeal, but the request posted earlier is just goofy.

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so, by neglect, you mean stop feeding it till it dies and the animal cops come and arrest me?


john is the young man who asked me to stop poking fun at stiracers dead mother, even though i wasnt doing that.


lmao at the virgin mobile comment.

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