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Norris. Probably repost.


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I just read somehting about him in the dispatch yesterday about him. I guess he just turned 66 or something like that.


Nevertheless, It had 5 facts about norris.


One. His tears cure carncer, but he never cries.


Two. Norris doesn't go hunting, hunting suggest failure. Norris doesn't fail. Therefore, Norris goes KILLING.


That is all I can remember. I think, forsure somebody on this forum wrote that article.



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i saw the article too. i actually cut it out of my bosses paper and a co worker gave me his before i left. i was cracking up they actually published it. some of it didnt make sense like, on a timeline of his life, they say he wrote an autobiography but then said something about it going to #1 on the best sellers list, then they say, 'chuck norris doesnt read books, he just stares them down until he gets the information he wants'...doesnt make sense since they say he wrote the book thn something about not reading
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I will never understand anyones fascination with an at best c list actor. Bring it on bitches.:finger:


Funny shit on the intraweb isn't supposed to make sense.


So, here is a picture of Marilyn Monroe.



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