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How to deal with a HORRIBLE college instructor?


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It's the end of winter quarter at CSCC, and I'm finally done with my speech class. The class itself was cake, but it was absolutely miserable. Why was it miserable? The fucking cunt of an instructor, that's why. I don't know if anybody else has had her, but Karen D'Arbanville is the absolute biggest bitch I have ever encountered in my entire 20 years of life. Let me list several reason's why:


1. She's in a horrible mood, everyday.


2. She is completely random in who she lashes out at, and she lashes out at many people on a daily basis, for absolutely no reason (and I'm not kidding when I say no reason at all)


3. She argues with people for no reason


4. Tells you your information is completely wrong, and that you need to make sure you get your facts straight before doing your speech. (She personally did this during my speech [cut me off while I was presenting] and told me that I needed to get 'reliable' sources. Even though I know I'm right)


5. I was sitting behind her one day while another girl was giving a speech. About 30 seconds into the girls 5-6 minute speech, the bitch instructor wrote a big, fat 'C' at the top of the girls grade sheet, without even letting her finish or hearing it out. The girls speech wasn't even bad, at all. In fact, it was rather good from what I remember.


6. Refused to answer my simple question today at the beginning of the final exam. I raised my hand as she was standing next to me, said, "I have a question." and then she rolled her eyes at me and said, "I'm sure you do." And then she fucking walked away. I could see her doing this if I asked a question every 5 fucking minutes, but I'm probably the quietest person in the class, and don't really ask alot of them.


These are just a few things that came to my mind as I was typing this. Shit like this happened EVERY SINGLE DAY. Her attitude and actions towards the class drug everybody else down with it, IMO. I've talked with another guy in the class and he's already said he's going to write to the department director, expressing his opinion. I believe that I am going to do the same thing as well.


The woman is obviously not interested in her job, or she has some serious personal issues. However, that is not my problem, nor is it the rest of the classes problem. We pay to take that class, and for her to teach/act this way, I don't feel that I'm getting my money's worth. She obviously doesn't belong in a teaching position.


Besides writing a letter to the department director (though I'm sure she's had many written about her) is there anything else I can do to make her life as miserable as she's made mine? I'd love to see her ass canned. Though she deserves more, IMO.



Thanks for any advice. I thought about writing a letter sooner, but I feel that she's the type of person that would 'adjust' your grade based on her personal feeling toward you, and not on your class performance. So, I didn't want to piss her off any sooner than I had to. I've bit my tongue all quarter, and now I want to say what's on my mind (after Saturday when grades are final)


P.S. - Tilley, you're in the teaching field. What can I do?

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Good thinking on holding off until she doesn't have any influence over your academic fate. I'm assuming there's no chance of you having her for another course or as some kind of academic advisor, right?


If I were you, I'd call and request a meeting with the department chair. In requesting the meeting, I'd say something to the effect of, "I've just finished a course with one of your faculty, and I have serious concerns about her conduct." Any department chair worth his/her salt will invite you in for a meeting.


I may beforehand type up a letter to the department chair and take that with me to the meeting. However, I'd hold it until I felt comfortable releasing it to them. (You always have to watch what you put in writing; yes, the chances are remote that it could ever hurt you, but, what you haven't put down on paper can never come back to bite you in the ass, you know?) I'd meet with the chair and express to them my concerns - essentially telling them the things you discussed here in this thread. During the meeting, I'd try to guage how my information is impacting the chair. Are they bothered with me being there? Grateful that I'm coming forward with this? Then, I'd go with that. If, for instance, the chair is a dick, then, well, I'd just kind of chalk it up to a fruitless endeavor at that point and leave it at that. If, though, they are really into what you are telling them, then I might let them ask me to write something up for them - you know, something more formal for them to use in pursuing whatever sanctions against the instructor. Then, astutely, I'd pull out my pre-written letter, show it to them, and see what they think. I'd also go into the meeting with some (humble) suggestions about what you think should happen to the instruction. Realize that going in and saying, "That bitch needs fired," while perhaps accurate, probably has a slim chance of coming to fruition. Instead, I'd be thinking less ambitiously, but plausibly, like, "Someone should address this with her, even informally, to see if it remedies her conduct and then should consider having a faculty peer sit in on some of her classes to provide her with peer/professional feedback."


Another thing, be sure to tell them up front that this has nothing to do with your grade. Emphasize that you passed the course with ease, thus eliminating doubt from the chair's mind that your motivated by revenge for a bad grade.


If, after the meeting with the chair, you're still not satisfied, then I would request a meeting with the dean. Approach it in a similar manner - though, at that point, you'll have concerns not only about the instructor's behavior but also about the chair's lack of responsiveness.


Sorry that you had such a shitty experience. I hate instructors like that - both when I had them as a student and even more so as so-called peers. Unfortunately, it's difficult to dislodge them.

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I'm going to try and express this in the least condescending way possible.



"You get what you pay for" is the phrase that comes to mind. I'm not saying that CSCC is some shithole and you deserve that kind of treatment for going there, but what I'd say is that the probability of incidence is significantly higher than at a university. I've already had a professor that was a complete bonehead, and who didn't show up to class for the two weeks before the final. The average grade on that exam was a 44. Enough negative feedback (i.e. if you get a few people to follow the Doc's suggestions, not necessarily going in like a mob) will get something accomplished. However, be VERY prepared to get the cold shoulder and have nothing come of your efforts.

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I'm going to try and express this in the least condescending way possible.



"You get what you pay for" is the phrase that comes to mind. I'm not saying that CSCC is some shithole and you deserve that kind of treatment for going there, but what I'd say is that the probability of incidence is significantly higher than at a university. I've already had a professor that was a complete bonehead, and who didn't show up to class for the two weeks before the final. The average grade on that exam was a 44. Enough negative feedback (i.e. if you get a few people to follow the Doc's suggestions, not necessarily going in like a mob) will get something accomplished. However, be VERY prepared to get the cold shoulder and have nothing come of your efforts.


Oh, I almost live by the phrase, "You get what you pay for." No big surprise there, and no offense taken. However, her attitude and actions are completely unnecessary. She deserves to be fired from life for acting this way. I'd almost go as far as to say she's probably the most miserable person I've ever met in my life, and it shows in her work. BTW, I'm also only going to CSCC until I find out what I want to do with my life. It's cheaper to screw around here than at a bigger university. :D


Also, great advice Doc. I'll definitely look into that.

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1) Document everything, every event, with dates. Find other people willing to support your argument.


2) Document how you've addressed with issue with the instructor and not met resolution.


3) Don't make this issue about your grade or any sort of regenge/payback. Approach this from an overall disastifaction of the education -YOU- are purchasing from them. If you have bad/average grades, expect to be brushed off. Be prepared to be labled a trouble maker.


4) Make a clear argument for what you want from the outcome of this .... an apology, resignation, firing, letter of reprimand, simply to be heard, etc... Tell them what you want or you will not get it.


5) Take the issue to the academic dean of the college (or associate dean)


6) If still unhappy ... document all of the steps to this point and file a complaint with the office of academic affairs ... (this really pisses off faculty)



The biggest thing you can do is form an argument, state what you want, create a papertrail and start sticking it in people's faces untill you get what you want.

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I would not put the "I" in your complaint. A simple way to do this, record several days classes on a mini tape recorder. When you show proof with your complaint, let the concern be towards your peers and not so much yourself. I used to take a mini tape recorder to all my lectures to allow me to review the days class, works well.


No matter what complaint you apply, they will most likely just move this lecturer/recitation instructor to another department/area. Then call it a conflict of interest.

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I have never experienced this, but I second getting more people to agree with you, preferably those who got good grades as Tilley stated as well.


The more you have they will see that it is not just a conflict of personality between you and her, but a rational problem that needs to be addressed. Any time it effects a group, people tend to listen more.


My 2 cents.

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1) Document everything, every event, with dates. Find other people willing to support your argument.


2) Document how you've addressed with issue with the instructor and not met resolution.


3) Don't make this issue about your grade or any sort of regenge/payback. Approach this from an overall disastifaction of the education -YOU- are purchasing from them. If you have bad/average grades, expect to be brushed off. Be prepared to be labled a trouble maker.


4) Make a clear argument for what you want from the outcome of this .... an apology, resignation, firing, letter of reprimand, simply to be heard, etc... Tell them what you want or you will not get it.


5) Take the issue to the academic dean of the college (or associate dean)


6) If still unhappy ... document all of the steps to this point and file a complaint with the office of academic affairs ... (this really pisses off faculty)



The biggest thing you can do is form an argument, state what you want, create a papertrail and start sticking it in people's faces untill you get what you want.




If you don't get any results in your pursuit, I would take it down to her level. I would in a nice way either leave her a note or show her in a lawful way that she needs to cut that shit out now.


Otherwise, life seems to come back and bite people like that so don't even let it bother you.... :D

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I actually had Karen D'arbenville as a speech instructor for my CSCC speech class. I was doing ok, I had a high B........until I forgot to do the final project....which included myself making a videotape of my speech, then giving the same speech to the class. It was highly stressed that I could not pass the class if I did not do the final project. During the final class, being clueless and busy, I went to class not having done the final project. As soon as I realized that it was the final class, I stood up and walked out......figuring I was destined for failure (no biggie, I'll take it next quarter)


I got a C.


Karen is a pretty harsh individual, though I never quite found her as rude as you do.


You can complain as much as you want, but your comments will most likely to fall upon deaf ears. CSCC is much more interested in your money then your education and doesn't listen to their students, let alone their professors. I found CSCC to be a mediocre at best school. I found my finance classes truly valuable and built a great base for my finance background. Other classes however were truly worthless and quite honestly, not worth the money spent.


Franklin University has opened my eyes a bit. They have great programs there and though I haven't learned as much in the finance sector, I have been able to explore much more the value of leadership and exploring the uncertainty that it entails. Truly insightful experience so far, only a few weeks left.

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Austin, I think that my brother has just finished the same course, with the same instructor. I will ask his thoughts. If I remember correctly, they were along the same lines as what you have posted.


As for the comment about getting what you pay for. That is a crock when it comes to this subject. I attend Capital University... which you pay a mint for... and i know it's know an ivy league school. I've had a few problems with a couple of professors. I have gone as far as going to the dean and it has done no good. As Tilley has stated, unfortionatly they are his so called peers.

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It's hard to get them fired from one complaint but if the dean or chair receives numerous complaints then something has to be done about it whether it be getting written up or put on probation is at their discretion though. I worked in a college and saw many horrible professors, hell we had one still teaching Cable LAN which hasn't been around since the late 70's early 80's and he was there for a year before he was fired. If they have tenure its even more difficult.
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Document, and record.... everything, I guess if you REALLY want to burn her ass, retake the class, do speeches on the most conservative topics that you can think of. And make sure to include a speech about the declining quality of qualified, personable instructors in college class rooms today. And make damn sure that EVERYTHING is recorded, to get her comments on tape for release to media outlets, Of course I would condense the comments into a 'best of' file and then follow them up with the rest of the recordings.


Additional thoughs would be to talk to EVERY student that has her next quarter, and discuss the way she acts in class with them and try to get them to transfer to another instructor if possible. If she has no students she will not have a job long.


Beyond that, when giving your speeches that are in direct conflict with her personal views, go to the class with the reference materials in hand to prove the truth in your points. Being proven undenyable wrong, especially in front of the entire class is a hard pill to swallow. Rest ashured that you will receive a failing grade for the course, but that can be easily remedied with the documentation and recordings that your politica views were not her political views and that is why you were failed. If you have all the course work in hand and speeches on tape for higher ups to review they will not have much choice but to remove the grade from your records.


But this would be taking it as far as it could be taken, and being legal about it.

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