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Monday night Roller hockey team


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Hello everyone. I am starting a monday night Roller hockey team in the D league. It is average to above average players. I am looking for 6 Offenders and 4 defenders and 1 goalie. Please let me know if you are interested in playing. The session will consist of 12 games and will cost around $80.


~Geoff locke


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Do they have teams for people that suck? :p


Serious questions. Can I come out to a practice or something like that to see how I fit in there skill level wise?


Does that league require any protective gear? I never bought any gear because the intramurals roller hockey league I was in at school didn't require any so I never wore any. Just some long pants to dull the blows to the shins a little and my BMX gloves so when I fell I wouldn't get road rash on my hands.

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On Friday nights there is drop in / Practice. So if you are rusty and want to be ready for the next session i would recommend coming to a drop in on Friday nights.


The E league is a fun but slower league. The D league is more fast paced and more competitive.


The equipment you are required is skates, helmet, gloves. I believe. I recommend that plus shin / knee guards and a cup if your a guy :p

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