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Anyone Ever Been Audited?


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I got a notice in the mail the other day from the City of Columbus (where I haven't lived for over 3 years) that I was being audited on the basis of not paying city tax or some such shit. The thing is, I've never worked for a company within the city limits, but I did live in the city limits at one point. They needed all of my tax information from 1999 - 2003, and of course, I am missing 2001. Can't find the forms, but I can find the W2's. Am I screwed? I know I've filed all taxes for all of those years and don't owe them shit. But without my forms, how can I prove it? :(
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Well, my wife talked to an accountant in her network group this morning and he looked over things. Seems they might be concerned about the 1099 work I did back in '03 and '04, but still, I wasn't in the city of Columbus at that time, so they've got nothing on me. And I can call the IRS and get a copy of my 2000 transcripts, so I think I'm OK... :)
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What a waste of time and taxpayer money.


Fairtax would eliminate this BS and put an end to the battalions of accountants required by every company.


Good luck! Dealing with a department that has as much power as any tax collection department (city, state, or federal) can't be fun.

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I love the tax system. Going on my 3rd year of explaining that i didnt live in a district that had a school tax, but still getting nastygrams that they are going to take my federal income refund to cover what they belive I owe.

yeah that shit is annoying, I went through my 5th year this year trying to tell my hometown, loveland, ohio that I haven't lived there for 5 yrs.

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Reynoldsburg is pulling this shit too.


Back in October, I got a notice about not filing my local taxes (they have a seperate school income tax BS). It was for tax year 2002, the first year I lived here, for a partial year.


I filed the taxes, and paid what I owed ($88, I remember, as I was unemployed and pissed at the time). Well, they want me to file; well, if I file, it will show I owe $88. But I already paid that. The problem: I don't know the check number to get a reprint. I know it would be on my March or April bank statments, which I can't find. Can't find my check ledger for that either. Well, it's $30/copy (takes 5 business days too) for my statements, then another $30 for the check copy. Well fuck, by the time I get all that info, it would cost less/be much less hassle to pay the $88.


Well, I just ignored it (they threatened to bill be $500 if I didn't file). Nothing happened. Well, they sent me an identical notice a couple weeks ago; I haven't touched that either, but I'm getting a bit concerned. It's total horse shit, but I didn't make a copy of the return or check, so now my life is a PITA from it, as I bet I should REALLY do them this time.

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Reynoldsburg is pulling this shit too.


Back in October, I got a notice about not filing my local taxes (they have a seperate school income tax BS). It was for tax year 2002, the first year I lived here, for a partial year.


I filed the taxes, and paid what I owed ($88, I remember, as I was unemployed and pissed at the time). Well, they want me to file; well, if I file, it will show I owe $88. But I already paid that. The problem: I don't know the check number to get a reprint. I know it would be on my March or April bank statments, which I can't find. Can't find my check ledger for that either. Well, it's $30/copy (takes 5 business days too) for my statements, then another $30 for the check copy. Well fuck, by the time I get all that info, it would cost less/be much less hassle to pay the $88.


Well, I just ignored it (they threatened to bill be $500 if I didn't file). Nothing happened. Well, they sent me an identical notice a couple weeks ago; I haven't touched that either, but I'm getting a bit concerned. It's total horse shit, but I didn't make a copy of the return or check, so now my life is a PITA from it, as I bet I should REALLY do them this time.



Doesn't your bank put them online? Can't you go back and just print it out from there? Mine are online so it's cool I don't have to pay for reprints.

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