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Firefucks FTL


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Tabbed browsing is the best. I was turned onto it with Firefox, but it was so unstable with a few of the websites I use, I switched to Maxthon. Firefox also couldn't handle some of our internal websites at work, and there are some plugins that simply don't work


Maxthon has many of the FF features, but uses the IE rendering engine, so, sites that only render properly with IE work fine, as do all plugins that IE supports. It is also faster.


The one drawback is that it does seem to have a memory leak.


Still don't like IE though, not unless Microsoft speeds it up some

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Yes, and I absolutely abhor it.


Ever try to work Firefox initially with Java? :lol:


I'm using this IE v7, BTW, and this kicks the shit outta FF and still maintains the user interface and compatibility that I like.





Again, the jew is out of his mind. True story.


Opinions are like assholes... your's smells like shit.

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Actually, same features with extra additions and the compatibility/user friendliness that they lack.


Make more sense? If there's problems, gentlemen, switch to Macintosh and quit bitching about Microsoft.


If I wanted absolute stability, I would use Linux. However, I have enough sense to not install shit software that causes instability under windows.


Oh, and stuff has to be made "user friendly" for idiots that have no idea how to use a computer. Sometimes I miss the old DOS days.

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IE is finally implementing features that FF and Opera have offered for years. Yippee.




Tab view and google tool bar are all I really need in a browser. Rarely do I find sites that just dont work in FF. Why are you such a homer for MS? And why are you getting all geeked out over an fn browser?

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Coming from a middle of the road standpoint here...


Is firefox safer? Yes

But the same reason its safer is the reason its not IE. Alot of stuff was specifically and will continue to be designed for IE.


Especially in a corporate intranet there are ALOT of inhouse sites that are totally and utterly sporked w/ firefox.



I actually use both, for internal and alot of sites = IE

Whenever i'm doing any kind of "hunting" on the dangerous old interweb I use FF for the extra hint of security.


I will say that FF has had enough issues for me to not totally convert but I can appreciate what its good at.



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My company sites don't work under FF, but to be fair, they barely work under IE. A 12 year old could have designed a better site, but that's not the arguement.


I must be the only person on earth that has never had an issue with FF. I have a habit of leaving windows open for weeks at a time (last time I rebooted, my computer had been on for about a month), and it never causes problems.

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Mmmmm, tabbed browsing. What a fantastic... wait. That isn't anything new! FF works on 99.9% of the websites that I visit. It's incredibly simplie to use, has a very streamlined interface, and even someone Jordan's age could install a plug-in. Quit swinging from Gate's nuts.
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Mmmmm, tabbed browsing. What a fantastic... wait. That isn't anything new! FF works on 99.9% of the websites that I visit. It's incredibly simplie to use, has a very streamlined interface, and even someone Jordan's age could install a plug-in. Quit swinging from Gate's nuts.



1) Has anyone seen Windows Vista yet? Yeah, it looks ALOT like OS X. The look and feel is exactly like Aqua. Even the Windows admins here were like, "oh crap, I feel a lawsuit coming on".


2) Microsoft has always stolen things from the Mac and opensource world. Example - when first using Windows 95, a user exclaimed: "oh wow, look! it has a place to put files before deleting them, and its called a recycle bin!". user two: "yeah, that's such a great idea--- oh wait, mac os had that three years ago".



I don't think Microsoft ever has any ideas of their own. They just steal everyone else's shit. I have no respect for a company like that. And Anthony, I use RedHat, Suse, NLD, FreeBSD, Darwin and OS X. You should try a real operating system sometime. You'll be amazed.

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I must be the only person on earth that has never had an issue with FF.


not true. <raises hand>


Has anyone seen Windows Vista yet?


yup. <raises hand again>


i know itll probably be forever until its released, but firefox works fine for me, so im ok to wait.


and ben, youre right, ms probably does do a lot of reverse engineering. that being said, how come only like 10% of the populace digs macs? if theyre so "smrt" over there, youd think theyd be able to produce something the masses would be more akin to use. <shrug> im not hating, im just asking.

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