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NEEDED: 2 corvettes for vid.


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THis spring I have a shorty planned and for one of the scenes I need two corvettes for the shots.


What will basically be required will be planned out manuevers with check points and Two-ways are required to participate. Mostly passes, land changes, sync'd moves, etc.


I have an idea of who will respond ;) but this will be shot on a saturday or sunday during the day and into night fall for the light effects.


If you can make it, please post it up and Ill schedule it in. Filming has already started but for the car shots, they will be used in 2 different shorts, but the 1st one is already on the table.


If you have incar cams or anything to contribute, that would be perfect! OR camera mounts (even if borrowed).


Im using Canon GL2s for this one.


ALso being part of the cast you will get the footage raw and you can use it as you like for whatever purpose.


Ideas are accepted, if you have any shots of corvettes you seen or want to see, we can go over it. Mostly these things are 40% planned and 60% luck/by-seat-of-ass type stuff. My best work has been from lucky shots.


thx guys.

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sounds good Sam, all I need is one more.


Depending on what you are willing to do, I would like to capture the 'power' of your car when you slam it at 60-mph and the back end breaks loose ... Ive gone over a couple models and I think a 45deg shot from the pass. rear from a chase vehicle will do nicely.


Ill be in touch, most likely I'll see you up at the meets on Friday.

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Yeah hold off and i can get my zr200 as another chase vehichal or a sony 3ccd . all minidv.


We could get a very sad video me lined up next to tilley. Would make lots of cool noises. Supercharger whirls + turbo spoools + pwn3d montes

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Sorry to divert the thread, but when are you going to edit the footage of our winder wonderland parking lot difting? I am anxious to see if there was some good footage besides my attempted AWD doughnut that turned out in me stalling my car.


The corvette video sounds like a good idea, there are some very good vettes on here for that.

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As I've re-read this & as much fun as I think it would be / I may re-tract my original offer because I don't "beat" my car. Additionally I'm sure I don't possess quite the driving skills of others in this thread, I would definately be interested in watching this shoot though ---
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