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why are trucks so slow?


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I have a truck, and consistantly drive it about 5-10 over the limit, I do accelerate rather slowly, but I make up for it when I get to speed. I don't ride the left lane unless I need to pass, and if I'm passing and you fucking fly up my tail, it's cool until I can no longer see your headlights, if you're that close, I'll probally try my best to make you purchase a new bumper and tailgate for me. After I pass I move over to the right. Thats how I believe that driving should be handled. I HATE TAILGATERS, and make it point to show them I don't like them being that close.
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what if im doing 5 over and the truck is doing 5 under while several MORE vehicles are matched with me at 5 over? which this is the case 99% of the time and in these cases, the truck needs to speed up.


I remember a week or so ago one evening after a very light snow I was driving to work in my big truck. I kept getting slowed down by cars wanting to do 55 - 60 while I was trying to do 80 to get to work on time.


You say you get slowed down by trucks, I say I get slowed down by cars. Both are generalizations, and there are always exceptions.


Oh, and why would the truck have to speed up to get out of your way when you admit that you are going over the posted speed limit? They are obeying the law, you are not. When I get behind someone going slower than I am when in the left lane, I wait to see if they are going to get over. If they don't, I wait for an opening on the right to pass. I always leave a couple carlengths in between us so they don't think I'm trying to be aggressive.


I'll bet you're one of those assfucks that think they have to highbeam the car in front of them so you can get around.

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It isn't just trucks that drive too slow, it's damn near everyone on 161 between sinclair and Little Turtle. Only car I've been driving lately is my vert for work, and I feel slowed down by everyone else. People need to feel shame if a NA 3-cyl powered Geo Metro is going faster then they are.
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Guest torqued69
I drive my 2500 at speed limit. I can go through the entire tank in a matter of 2 days. So I usually leave it at home. My f550diesel, takes a long time to build up speed and requires a long stopping distance. I can burn its entire tank in a day. I agree people cut in front of you like you can stop on a dime.


one tank, one day... not for me, ill stick to my 96 escort that pushes out 300+ miles per tank ;)

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