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Mp3 download questions


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I just make sure the files I"m downloading has an mp3 extension. Don't download anything that you don't know what the file format is. I've never had a problem. There are some fake files out there... like 30 seconds of song then just noise or not the correct songs. But we've been able to find the songs we wanted. I can show you how when I get back home this weekend.


Cool, thanks for the update on the fence.

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I downloaded itunes and picked the songs but when its time to pay it wants me to open an apple account and put in my credit card #. I am just getting 15 songs, just enough to use up the free gift card, and I will never buy another song from them again. But it never prompts me to enter the gift card. Can anyone tell me if you can swap songs from mp3 player to mp3 player? And if I can just download them from cd's we already have to his mp3 player?
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yes....you can upload songs from one mp3 player to your computer and then download them to the other mp3 player


also you can use windows media player to copy the songs off of your cd's to your computer and then download them onto your mp3 player

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If you use windows media player, please make sure that you disable the copyright crap (only allows it to play on that computer without downloading a liscence)

Also, go with the MP3 format, 128K minumum. 196k would be better.

.wma is teh suck.

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You might also look into BearShare (although BitTorrent is good and is probably my second choice). I have had the best luck with getting decent quality there and it's not as loaded with viruses as it seems many of the other ones are. The only bad part is the spyware you have to download with the free version, but it's easy to remove. You just do a search for "save" and when it finds "saveuninst", run it (double click) and it takes the SaveNow crap off. It warns that some featues of BearShare may stop working...but that's not the case.


go with the MP3 format, 128K minumum. 196k would be better.

.wma is teh suck.

fuck steve jobs

+1 to both

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Lime wire is a very very dangerous route since the RIAA Pay company's to go out there and look for poeple. Bittorrents are a tad safer to the end user the sites get busted but the users have yet to get busted.


News groups is another great way and no one gets busted from that.

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yes....you can upload songs from one mp3 player to your computer and then download them to the other mp3 player


also you can use windows media player to copy the songs off of your cd's to your computer and then download them onto your mp3 player


Ok I have created a playlist on media player and hooked up the mp3 player but I still cant figure out how to actually get the transfered to the mp3 player. Is there a function that does this. I though creating a synchronized list was suppose to do it, but after I initiated the synchronizing there still weren't any new songs on it.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Ok I am still having problems with this. I have spent hours trying to get the songs I bought from Itunes downloaded to his mp3 player. Just when I thought I had it figured out, I can no longer find the songs im my itunes library. I am using musicmatch to send them to the player but I need to find them in my library and then send them to musicmatch, so I can then send them to the player. I know there are other sites but I want to now get the songs I already have. Somebody help
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