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Looking for a part time job

Rally Pat

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I am 17, and its not that I dont like the job I have now working at my church, but I dont work enough hours to clear my car insurance, save, and have money to spend. Its not as simple as working more hours at my job, as we work until we are done everyday, which usually takes about 2 hours (3 pm to 5 pm).


So I am looking for a job that I could maybe work after that one. To tell you the truth, how much I make does not really matter to me. However, I would like to as much or more than I am making now ($6.50 h/r).


I was thinking maybe one of the Verizon guys could hook me up with a job, but maybe not. I know a lot about electronics, and keep up on the latest technology if that is any help in the selection process. Please help me out. I have already been turned down by Micro Center, GameStop, and Target.

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They're hiring like mad at the Lowe's in Dublin. You'd be making quite a bit more then what you're making now as well. Hours aren't a problem right now either because you can get pretty much however many you want.
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