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good lawn care?


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does anyone here know of any good and reasonably priced lawn care services? I bought a house at the begining of the year this year and it was vacant for a year before I moved in so the ENTIRE lawn is nothing but weeds.... I want to get the lawn split seeded and something to get rid of the weeds... anyone know of a place that is good and reasonably priced? I'm looking to get something scheduled this week if at all possible. Any help would be appriciated.
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We have used tru green and scotts service in the past and was satisfied with the results. This year I am doint it my self and am very happy with the results so for.


Also if you are going to seed you will not be able to treat the yard for 4 months with anytins except a starter fertalizer.


personally unless there are tons of spots with no grass I would hold off on seeding. would by a spreader and a bag of scott with halts to control crab grass this month next a bag of turf builder the following month and from there follow the color coded plan that scotts offers

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Shawn, my lawn is nothing but weeds... the green in my yard is weeds, everything else is brown... I'm surprised if they haven't come out with some sort of seed that kills weeds and allows grass to grow.
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Guest powers
Best thing right now is to go to home depot and get scotts turf builder with plus 2 halts. Wet the lawn and apply. Wait a week or 2 and repeat. Wait 6 weeks and seed. Once you have mowed the new grass twice you can do another fertilizer with weed control. Lawns are not an overnight kind of thing. I has taken me 2 years to be satisfied and I am already looking towards next years lawn and how nice it will be.
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Guest powers
Till it all up... start from scratch.
If he tills he will still need a preemergant becasue the rhizomes are still in the soil. The weeds will come right back. You need to wait 6 weeks after a preemergant or braodleaf weed controller to seed.
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my next door neighbor uses chemlawn and my grass owns him


Not 1 weed in my yard and the neighbors yard is nothing but Yellow sea of dandilions. I had to freakin' mow this past weekend :mad: and my grass is thick and neon green. I have had chemlawn or 5 years ....My yard owns all yards around me.......

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I understand it not being an overnight type of deal, but good lawd, if I don't get rid of the sea of crab grass/dafodills, and mud, I'm going to go crazy.


I think I'll stop by home depot tonight and pick up a spreader and some turf builder and give that a shot..

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theres a guy in my neighborhood who has the greenest/thickest grass i have ever seen...i saw him outside one day and stopped and asked him what he did to get it like that and he told me he had scotts come out and treat it. it was so nice.


my parents had trugreen/chemlawn for a couple years and our lawn always looked like crap. did scotts last year and it looked really good

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Signed an agreement with them for 5 treatments. No big deal.


Get several calls trying to sell me other services. I tell them no, and to not telemarket my cell phone (the only # I have). I get billed for a 6th treatment... I figured maybe I miscounted. Nope. I go ahead and pay it.. Season is over.


I get an additional call. I ask the nice gentlemen not to call my cell phone.


I get an additional call. I ask the nice gentelmen in a not so nice way that I do not appriciate them contining to call my cell. I ask again to not be called.


I get an additional call. I tell the guy (which by the way I had talked to previously about this matter) that I would not be doing business with his company any longer, and to not fucking call my cell anymore. He tells me "ok, have a nice life"


I get an additional call from a woman. I inform her what I have said the last 3 times. She says she will remove me (they all have said that).


I get a letter saying that my service will continue as per normal the next season. I call them and inform the person i speak too that I do NOT want their service, and I inform them of the phone calls, and tell her thatshe needs to cancel it. I get a cancelation convermation #. Guess what, no note on my account indicating I should not be called,and they have my cell on file still.


I get an addtional call a week or so later from the VP of marketting. I go off on his ass.


Last month guess what. I get another phone call :)


I am going down there and shooting the place up if I get one more.... I also still get mailers all the time.


Fucking bastards.

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