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South Park: Political Brilliance or Childish Drivel?

El Karacho1647545492

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So, I just was watching South Park because I think its a pretty funny show. Tonight had part II of a 2-part episode. Last week, under the premise of making a joke about Family Guy, South Park subliminally announced they would show a charicature of the prophet Muhammed. Trey Parker and Matt Stone basically challenged Comedy Central. They are pissed that Comedy Central and Viacom allowed South Park to be held hostage by Tom Cruise when he threatened to not promote Mission: Impossible 3 if the "Scientology" episode aired, then Isaac Hayes quit because of "insensitivity and bigotry towards others beliefs"...namely Scientology, which Hayes believes in. The episode was pulled, so Parker and Stone retaliated with a hilarious episode making fun of Chef, but basically painting the portrait of Scientology as a belief that has warped the mind of their dear friend.


So tonight, they were gonna show Muhammed as he would look in a Family Guy episode...and Comedy Central censored it. What came across the screen was "This is where Muhammed would be handing Peter a helmet.

Comedy Central would not allow us to show a charicature of Muhammed."

or something like it.


What are your thoughts. I give 100% props to Parker and Stone for pushing the limit. History has shown that the only things that effect change are people who are not afraid to push the limit.


Additional edit: My girlfriend pointed something out. She didn't realize there were basically 2 episodes ready to go...one of them was the one that aired, with the Parker/Stone censorship that mentions what idiots Comedy Central board members are, and the other was the full episode with the portrayal of Muhammed. I can't wait til that one gets leaked on the internet (I bet its already there)

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Ok, after having seen the episode, I must say that they are brilliant. Everything that was said was planned out very well.

Yeah, thats how I saw it. I can't believe that on the one hand Comedy Central has a big "FUCK YOU!!" to the FCC with the Secret Stash, but with their most popular show they completely crumble under pressure.


Edit: also, added spoiler warning

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Soooooooooooo they can air a caricature of Jesus constantly, but not one of freakin' Muhammad? How many times has Jesus been on the show? Has comedy central forgotten how many people are a part of Christianity compared to how many Muslims reside in this country? (Hell Bush wants to let 11 million Illegal Catholics stay here, but that is another story for another day) Soooooo it has been ok with comedy central to piss off many Americans across the country but they are afraid to piss off Middle Easterners? What a bunch of douches....... Trey and Matt FTW!


The only way that what they did was honorable would be if it was to not piss off some of the people in Iraq and maybe keep our boys over there from above normal or off the chart attacks. If that was the motive behind it I will say OK…..

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Isaac hayes was aprt of episodes that made fun of:





But they're insensitive for making fun of scientology. Hayes read the script, partook in the episode, and allowed it to air once without saying a word. But, after that, he changed his mind?

Wrong, his mind was changed for him. Fuck scientologists.

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Isaac hayes was aprt of episodes that made fun of:





But they're insensitive for making fun of scientology. Hayes read the script, partook in the episode, and allowed it to air once without saying a word. But, after that, he changed his mind?

Wrong, his mind was changed for him. Fuck scientologists.



They believe we're descendants of aliens, and that God is an alien. They threaten people who want to leave the church. They meet in secrecy. They don't like outsiders. I remember when people used to call that a cult.

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They believe we're descendants of aliens, and that God is an alien. They threaten people who want to leave the church. They meet in secrecy. They don't like outsiders. I remember when people used to call that a cult.


Ummm Founded by L Ron Hubbard, need I say more?


David Koresh(sp) of Branch Dividions, was poor, Scientology has celebrities so it is viable........:rolleyes: Give me a fucking break.

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They believe we're descendants of aliens, and that God is an alien. They threaten people who want to leave the church. They meet in secrecy. They don't like outsiders. I remember when people used to call that a cult.

But its okay, cuz people like Kelly Preston, John Travolta, and Tom Cruise are members!

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"So, Scientology, you may have won THIS battle, but the million-year war for earth has just begun! Temporarily anozinizing our episode will NOT stop us from keeping Thetans forever trapped in your pitiful man-bodies. Curses and drat! You have obstructed us for now, but your feeble bid to save humanity will fail! Hail Xenu!!!"


The duo signed the statement "Trey Parker and Matt Stone, servants of the dark lord Xenu."



They are great!

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we did scientology in class and we even had a scientologist speak and explain to us. He says that Lord Xenu is all a hoax they dont believe in it ... its very expensive to gain levels (hmm wonder why) ... He also justified why his "religion" sued everyone all the time and he said that if someone was attacking OSU, wouldnt we want to protect it? That was his reason.


Oh and my roommate's dad, had a partner that was a Scientologist, but never told him ... One day, he opens a huge law suit against him and takes his entire business ... it was all bogus ...


Those Scientologists are shady characters.


Bravo Matt and Trey! Great episodes!

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how does comedy central air dave chappell and carlos mencia then edit southpark

A-fucking-men to that!


Why is it okay for Dave Chappelle to gratuitously use the "n-word", Carlos Mencia to constantly parade around swearing (if you know spanish, youd know he was cursing up a storm) and calling everyone "beaners", and not for South Park to do something simple as show Muhammad just standing there.


Fake Edit: changed "n-word" cuz I don't wanna get banhammered

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I'm wondering if the edit was put in on purpose by Matt and Trey? Maybe they were trying to show how stupid it is to edit things like that?



Nah, the edit specifically said that Comedy Central wouldn't let them air the portrayal of Muhammed...unless they were blatantly lying (which I wouldn't expect from them) I think they were censored.

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