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Damn, am I sore...


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So, I've kicked some of the "supplements" I've been trying for the last couple of months (expensive and making me pissed off, NOT steroids!) and eating a bit more as well as some fattier foods. Now, I've only gained around 4-5lbs, and stabilize right around 187-190 on a regular basis.


A month or so ago, I picked up an ab bench from someone here on CR, where I kinda used it the first few days, but not too much after that. Even then, it was like 20 sit-ups and nothing more.


In the last week, I've gotten into the habit of doing them to a song or two, something usually pissed-off that gets me motivated. In this, I usually just concentrate and knock out between 100-150 sit-ups during the course of the music. I've noticed a few things:


1) My quads are getting huge. My legs are wrapped between these "rollers" to keep me from moving while doing exercises, and the quads do a lot of the holding. I've got these veins I didn't know existed running across of the muscles themselves. Kinda nasty looking, like what bodybuilders have. Ew.


2) My chest is getting more defined, as it seems that the majority of these sit-ups (due to the bench angle) seem to work my upper abdominal area. The leftover, loose skin (from my rapid weight loss) there is going down noticeably as well.


3) My lower back muscles are getting a workout as well. I dunno if they;re supposed to, but they are.


Now, am I using this damned thing right to see the results as stated above? There is no "configuration" to this bench. It's set as-is, and I just wrap my legs around the rollers lay back, and start using my legs/abs to pull myself up while using them to provide resistance on the way back down.


I've been sore as fuck almost every night, and a little better in the mornings. Although sometimes the muscles physically hurt when touched, which I think is just the way things are supposed to be. This is the most I've exercised in many years, and I see the pain and soreness as meaning I'm making a difference, in addition to the physical changes I see in the mirror.


Opinions? I'd like to see if everything's alright, or if I need to change/improve my structure of training. Thanks :)

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Your hip flexor are the muscles to the left and right of your lower abs. Im pretty sure thats where, if you have one, a hernia pokes through.


I've always done my "situps," crunches, on the floor.


If you can keep yourself steady move both legs on top of each other to one side and do a crunch. When you do your set amount or can't do anymore move your legs to the other side.


Ive found that rather than doing an actual situp a crunch, where you put your knees in the air and go about half-way up, hold for a second, then let yourself back down, works the best. Its more controlled and you are focusing more of your movement to your abs.


These are just my own observations, everyone has diffrent ways of situps that are affective/effective for them.


Edit: And obviously I am no professional in this area. If you wanna talk Roast Beef, I can talk all day.

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hey anthony what did you take to loose all the weight. im at 255 now. at 22% fat and that is really shitty for me. id like to knock that down to like 220 and get the fat back down to a reasonable 12-15 %. when i was at 210 i was 11%. and i never felt better. I lost that weight on the old hydroxy cut. with ephedrine. which is a known steroid. now i dont konw what to use. plus im lacking motivation. any help thanks man
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You have hip flexors and extensors. The flexors are in the front and the extensors are on the back right below your butt cheaks. If they are getting tight you can stretch them by kneeling (sp?) on the floor with your right knee on the floor first and your left foot in front of you on the floor making your shin perpindicular with the floor surface. Your upper body should also be straight up and perpindicular. Now lean foward and you should feel stretching in your hip flexor area. Switch legs when you feel you have done a good enough job.


With respect to your workouts you need variation and rest. Especially with your abs and lower back since you use those muscles the most throughout the day.


Your weight will vary from day to day depending on amount and how much food and water that you consume. Don't be discouraged by 4-5 pounds, just keep plugging away at the workouts. When you see more and more veins that is a good indicator of progress that you are making and also of your body composition with respect to less and less fat that you have.


Good luck and don't stop, just make sure that you rest enough and eat properly.

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I lost that weight on the old hydroxy cut. with ephedrine. which is a known steroid.


You are a fucking idiot. Just because the FDA pulled it does not mean it was a steroid. It is a topical decongestant and a bronchodilator. It is still used in the treatment of asthma. It has a much closer molecular structure to amphetamines than a steroid. In fact, it has no androgenic effect what so ever.


It is people like you that had no idea what they were ingesting that caused it to be pulled from the direct market. If you weren't so obviously inept at research, you would find that ephedra HCL is widely available and still legal.

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Im pretty sure thats where, if you have one, a hernia pokes through.


The common male hernia known as an Inguinal hernia occurs when the myopectineal orifice is breached, also known as "where your scrotum attaches to your body". This is what a doctor is checking for when he feels you up and tells you to cough.

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Hey Ken, what are "hip flexors"? Also, any idea how I can variate using this type of bench?




You cant get into a whole lot of variation with just one piece of equipment, but there are a few.


Using a weight (a phone book will do) and hold your sit up in mid motion about half way up repeatedly twist from right to left. This will work the obliques. Depending on how long the bench is, you can also do a reverse crunch in which you hold yourself up where your feet lock and raise your legs in front of you. This works the lower abs. This exercise can be done on the floor with a similar effect. It should be noted that, just like other muscles of your body, your abs won’t become full and pronounced with out resistance.


The largest impact on the visibility of the abs is body fat. Everybody is different but generally you need to be below 12% to get a decent cut.


It should also be noted that I haven’t seen mine since my early college years. They are just now coming back slightly with my participation in the “Biggest Loser” competition. (Ending in 3 weeks!)

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You are a fucking idiot. Just because the FDA pulled it does not mean it was a steroid. It is a topical decongestant and a bronchodilator. It is still used in the treatment of asthma. It has a much closer molecular structure to amphetamines than a steroid. In fact, it has no androgenic effect what so ever.


It is people like you that had no idea what they were ingesting that caused it to be pulled from the direct market. If you weren't so obviously inept at research, you would find that ephedra HCL is widely available and still legal.



Ephedra, also known as Ma Huang, is banned in the United States, effective since April 2004. Although Ephedra was a popular weight loss supplement, there were many reports of serious adverse reactions. The Ephedra ban has been challenged however, the side effects are too weighty to ignore. Ephedra can cause dizziness, restlessness, anxiety, irritability, personality change, difficulty concentrating, insomnia, headache, thirst, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, flushing, heart palpitations, hyperthermia, increased blood pressure, and dependence. Even more serious, the use of Ephedra has been linked to hypertension, myocardial infarction (MI), cardiomyopathy, chest tightness, cardia arrest, cardia arrhythimias, cerebreal hemorrhage, loss of consciousness, seizure, stroke, psychosis, and other serious conditions. In some cases, the adverse effects werer severe or life-threatening. According to one study, Ephedra accounts for only 1% of herbal product sales but 64% of the adverse reaction reports to poison control centers. It is one hundred times more likely than any other herb to provoke adverse reactions.


To view research related to this nutrient Click Here


Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Manufacturers continually change product specifications. While we try our best to keep product descriptions up to date, they do not necessarily reflect the latest information available from the manufacturer. We are not responsible for incorrect or outdated product descriptions and/or images.


WebVitamins is not responsible for pricing errors, and may not be able to honor orders for items where the pricing is incorrect.




Bodybuilding. copm says


Take for the temporary relief of shortness of breath, tightness of chest, and wheezing. Helps loosen mucus and thin bronchial secretions to drain bronchial tubes and make cough more productive. VasoPro is a synergistic blend of Ephedrine and Guaifenesin. It is one of our best selling products. Why? Because it works. Try some today and see for yourself why VasoPro is flying off the shelves.


Due to DEA restrictions, you must be 18 years of age or older to purchase this product. Also, you cannot purchase more than 6 bottles in a 30 day period.


Note: This version of ephedrine HCL was not banned by the US Government




Those damn body builders always find away to get around the fda and dea


Ephedra is the common name for three principal species: Ephedra sinica, Ephedra equisentina, and Ephedra intermedia. The active compounds in the plant's stem (about 1.32% by weight) are the phenylalanine-derived alkaloids ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, phenylpropanolamine (norephedrine), and cathine (norpseudoephedrine).


Alkaloid content and composition vary by species and growth conditions; total alkaloid content can vary from 0.5% to 2.3%. Ephedrine, the most potent alkaloid, can account for up to 90% of the total alkaloid content and pseudoephedrine can account for up to 27%. The pharmacologic activity of an ephedra sample depends on its alkaloid composition. North American ephedra species, such as E. nevadensis (known as Mormon tea), contain little or no ephedrine or other alkaloids.


The Chinese botanical ephedra, or ma-huang, was sold as a dietary supplement in the United States. It is a natural source of the alkaloids ephedrine and pseudoephedrine. Some dietary supplement products used for weight loss and to enhance athletic performance contain these alkaloids.


Synthetic ephedrine and pseudoephedrine are found in over-the-counter decongestants and cold medicines and are used to treat asthma. Ephedrine is not approved in the United States as a drug for weight loss or to enhance athletic performance.


The use of ephedrine, ephedrine plus caffeine, or dietary supplements containing ephedra and botanicals with caffeine is associated with a modest but statistically significant increase in weight loss over a relatively short time (less than or equal to 6 months). No studies have assessed their long-term effects (greater than 6 months).


Vasopro Ephedrine HCL (hydrochloride) is synthetic and is pharmaceutical grade. Ephedrine HCL is an over the counter drug. It is used to preserve muscle tissue from breaking down.




there is all the info you would need to know about it and where you can buy it

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I went from 301lbs to 207 now. My weight usually varies ~5lbs at times. I still have about another 20lbs. to lose I think but it depends on where my body settles at with the muscle mass I've been adding.


I'm in the gym lifting 5 days a week and for 1.5-2 hours a day. I do abs every other day usually. I use a protein supplement (shake) and glutamine (powder mixed with water) from GNC. I found a very noticeable recovery time improvement with those 2 supplements.


The protein I take after my workout once a day. I take the glutamine once after the workout and again before I go to sleep. I work out hard and many occassions I have no soreness at all the next morning. I'm working my muscles to the point of failure so I know they are breaking down. I've been taking those supplements for about 6 months now and haven't noticed any down sides to either.


Word of warning though, the protein is flat out nasty to drink. The glutamine isn't bad.

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Thanks guys! :)


No fad diet or anything either. I just started being more careful of what I eat and started lifting/doing cardio.


Yeah it isnt rocket science, it's all about motivation and self control. Which can often be harder than anybody's kind of science.

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OK number 1 ken your a asshole. and i dont like you.

2 when im talking to someone on the board please refrain from interupting. i was asking anthony how he lost the weight. not you.

3 ephedrine is a steroid check this site. and its rated too. its a known fat loss steroid. with less side effects than say winstrol.

Ephedrine - - 6 - 8 8 - 6 1 - its in the list just like this. link below.


and once again you know nothing.

sorry about that.

Anthony how did you loose the weight if you dont mind me asking?

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