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Forum Rider Down....


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jesus tap-dancin'-christ dude! Fuck that looks worse than I thought! Damn dude - I hope you heal up good. I'm glad you're doing ok - I know that riding is dangerous and I keep myself from going too fast (thank you Sept 02 2007 crash on 377!!!) but wow I am really glad it wasn't worse. Count your blessing's bro - grow from this experience. You have a lot of friends here that know you a lot better than me (I've never met ya) but I think I speak for most that see your pics; you're pretty lucky! I'd like to see you ride but I doubt I could come close to keeping up with you!!

** Drunk and rockin' to W.A.S.P. The Last Command ** :)

Thanks bro. We're all family here. Thanks again to you ..Kaw Kid..and everyone else who send their well wishes. It really means a lot. The only thing I regret is not having a bike cam. :)

Seriously though...now that I've been there, done that..it's not happening again. Thanks again to Kev too.

I just got done cleaning my leg and changing my dressing. Wanna see?




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What do ya want for the whole damn thing? Dude those pics were crazy!!! Loving the video footage. Glad to see you are ok. someone was sitting behind you in that one!!!

I'm pretty sure the insurance company will come get it. I'm going to take stock tomorrow to see what I can pull off of it and let everyone know.

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hope it heals fast.

OH, I just read the police report, it said if he had been on a suzuki, or even a honda he would have made it.

OH NO HE DIDN'T!!! :lol::lol::lol:

Inya, I'm just glad you're home and able to rest and recover. More importantly, you're still with us to ride another day. Like I said when I started the thread, when I saw that guy running from his house toward the corner my heart came up in my throat. But once we got stopped and you were in fairly good shape I was more at ease. You were cool, calm, and collected (even with the jokes)....HUGE props to you for that! If I were you I would have been screaming like a little girl scout who just got her cookies stolen.

Oh, I started a search for a new bike for you......but they're all Suzuki's. :thefinger::D

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I know the other guy who might have better pictures but he's being an asshat and won't send them to me.

It was really really cool to see!! I damn near pulled out my knife to start dissecting shit. But Inya is big fella and still would have beat me up, gimp leg and all.

Anatomy 101....the class will now begin.

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owwwwwww...now I understand why they called lifeflight. here's wishing to a full and speedy recovery.

and I'd like to submit my vote for gnarliest OR crash of the season

+1 That leg wound is looking pretty nasty.. Nice documentary of the crash...I like the video with Inya just sitting with his helmet on while they patch up his leg. :eek:

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