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Upside Down American Flag at California School?


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I don't get it. Why should Illegals get special treatment. If I walked down the freeway holding a flag and slowing down traffic I would at the very least get a fine.


I also can't believe how stupid these people are by hanging their flag above ours.


Either way they should deported and charged with a nice little fine to pay for their deportion.

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Guest Yoder
When I was in highschool, I was on a debate team the year we debated "Immagration Policy". Anywho, We came up with something called "The Kill Case". The aforementioned case proposed dropping all the funds in the current Immagration and Nationalization Service (INS) and funneling it into boarder patrol, a heavily armed boarder patrol. it was kind of sadistic, but it never lost.
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im usualy pretty tolerant, but im am SOOOOOOO close, to just start wasting mother fuckers with EXTREME prejudice. Its one thing for people to rally against the government for equal rights... its another for people to rally against the government for not giving you enough of a free ride.


I agree on this. I usually can be understanding, read on both sides of the issue but this is getting stupid and out of hand.

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can i venture an EXTREME idea, as its extreme compared to the mainstream opinion, but as we depart illegals, we should deport their families as well that even though born on american soil, they should never of been here in the first place, they were born here illegally and in my mind makes them illegal as well, so deport the illegals and the illegitimate kids etc.


I know its an extreme thought but i dont really see how it is wrong, all things held constant, under just this one point of view, it is right, all other things held constant. Bring other factors into the equation and its not this simple though it feels REAL good saying it.


You cannot deport Jus Soli citizens, completely impossible. It is part of the constitution. If you do not know what Jus Soli means, look it up, and look at Admendment #XIV of the American Constitution.


But all that aside, kick them all out. They do nothing but cause problems.


"You will never hear a white person hesitate to say that europe sucks, but ask a mexican if mexico sucks and they can't do it"


so go the fuck back

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