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Things I have learned about new borns in the last 24 hrs


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We were able to bring home one of hte boys yesterday and this is what i have learned so far.


Babies have no concept of time.


3am feedings FTL!!!!!


6am feedings FTL!!!!


when the say they are on a 3 hr feeding schedule its more like 2 and a half and it takes close to 40 mins to feed burp and change them.


ripe green poo FTL!!!!!


the fact that they dont care if they have a diaper on or off when the go FTL!!!!


the rumor that you should sleep when the baby sleeps not possible once you start to fall back asleep they are starting to wake back up.


getting peed on FTL!!!!


getting pooped on FTL!!!


getting puked on FTL!!! (formual puke is the worst smell)


Is it worth it? YES


would I do it all over again? HELL YES


this is with just one home can't wait till all 3 are here. Sleep is over rated anyway. :)

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When you change his diaper, safety his weapon by putting a wipey on it...then you can wipe up without getting peed on. Or open & peak...if he's got an erection then he's gonna pee soonish. Close his diaper & wait, then change him.


Poop-wise, when you are changing him & notice the area is reddish, I'd close the diaper & wait cause he''s gonna poop soonish.


Congrats again! And you're right, kids are so very worth it! :D

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Good lord, I do not want kids now. Was a little iffey but you just settled it.


And besides, what are you doing online? Go wash the minivan. :D


Shoot me an email, planning trip to cincy soon.


someone has to still bring in a paycheck. :)

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You would not beleive the presure at which a baby lanches poop out the sphincter, it travels, up to 8 inches with Nick. The little erection is just a general warning that something is going to happen, because blood is rushing below the waste. Wait till he laughs, it's the pay off.


You want some clothes man? We've got a slew.

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You would not beleive the presure at which a baby lanches poop out the sphincter, it travels, up to 8 inches with Nick. The little erection is just a general warning that something is going to happen, because blood is rushing below the waste. Wait till he laughs, it's the pay off.


You want some clothes man? We've got a slew.


thanks man but we are sooo set on clothes.we have 9 or 10 giant tubs packed full.

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