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Thursday Nights in Dayton


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Yea, it's my first house, and it's a work in progress, but thanks. Be glad you didn't see it in spring so you could bear witness to my mad gardening skills. Remember kids, "if it's green, let it grow", and you'll end up with a fun pot-luck of random shit growing :D

Matt, I have the stuff here at work, so I'll go to the gym at about 4:50/5 to let the techs kinds of thin out again before I go use their shit, so I'll be working on it around 5:30/6:00. Barring any complications, I should be on the road about 30-45 min after I start, so ballpark, let's say I'll be there around 7ish? If that's a problem at all, just gimme a call, we'll work something out.

That would be hilarious to see a whole pew of just helmets lined up somewhere. And everyone has to act like there's absolutely nothing out of the ordinary with the situation.

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It's this October, we're just doing the counseling early to get it out of the way. We just did the pre-marital compatibility tests, and the questions were awesome. Number 86 asked if I'd ever had any homosexual thoughts, and if I was worried that they would ruin the marriage. I answered yes because I watch a lot of Brad Pitt movies.

Dustin - Lindsey's twin will be the maid of honor, and she's a handful, but she might be single by then. Best of luck.

Matt - After looking into the power board more, I'm not exactly sure what the problem is, but the caps that we replaced seem to be a symptom, not the problem. Whenever a circuit fails, the weakest part always goes first until the circuit's loop is broken. If you repair that part, like we did, and make it more robust, then the next weakest part fails if the problem persists. It looks like this is what's going on. I can't find an obvious failure, and I even broke out the Fluke meter and 'Scope to see if I could see anything, but nothing obvious showed up. If you plug in the unit, you'll notice that even the rear fan doesn't come on. I checked the power board, and you're not getting +35V out. You're getting a few lower voltages for logic chips and such, but your +35V mains are dead. I think your system takes 110VAC in and transforms it to (probably) 48VAC then rectifies it to DC, but I can't be sure since voltages are missing. Since I couldn't find any voltage after the transformer, maybe that's the part that's dead. If coils short out, you don't know what kind of voltage you'd get out of it until the part completely burns out and opens the circuit for good.

The point is, the problem is a lot bigger than those caps, but without the original design schematic, it's hard to tell what would be wrong with it. The only option is to reverse engineer it section by section, and in real life, that's not nearly as easy as Ben Affleck makes it look in crappy movies. Unless you find another article online where someone else already did all this work, then you might be SOL. Sorry about that news, but just let me know if there's something you need me to try.

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nothing to try I'm just gonna scrap the system keep the speakers and use them for something else. Maybe I'll set up the garage for full sound. Thanks for trying though. Like I said before if you need help with anything just let me know.

I found a couple new hdmi dvd players on ebay for cheap so I might do that for right now to replace that one.

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We'll see, she has to settle in with the idea of the track bike for now, she still seems a bit iffy on that whole deal.

Hey, Dustin, random question - you weld?

Well depends on what it is and how good you want it to look. My father does.

To answer your question. I'm capable. Let me know what ya got.

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Well it looks like we have a new person for the Thursday rides. I wont be worried about being out after dark too. Now that winter has finally set in and it looks to be awhile before another day that's at least 45 out so I can ride.

Danielle you gonna have a bike come start of the season?

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I started mine a couple weeks ago and it was music to my ears. I drained the oil and took off the clutch and stator covers to send them out for chrome. I shoule be getting the covers back by the end of the week (keeping my fingers crossed). It was decently warm when I took the covers off, I had the garage door open, but now its going to be freezing when I put it back together.

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yeah it's gonna stay in the low digits for a couple months now. At least there's snow now, instead of it just being cold and no snow.

Looks like I will have to fill up the propane tank with a burner on it to heat up the garage a litte when I get to work... I really hate the cold

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yea, this cold has kinda made me start heating the garage, which I've never had to do before. The new race bike doesn't have anti-freeze in it because of it's normal track restrictions, and I didn't want to flush the whole thing, so now I have to keep the garage at a decent temp all winter. Just one of those little things I forgot to plan for when I bought it.

Next year will be easier because I can store it at the end of the season properly, and when it's not 2 freakin degrees outside....

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but we'll have to get that trailer together first so i can get it up there, but then we can make a bunch of them and sell them cheap from your garage....

1.) Ideas for simple trailer

2.) Lots of talk and planning about said trailer

3.) ???

4.) Profit

(5. Hookers & Blow, if 4 works out)

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