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Frustrations over Child Support get worse ...


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Damion Hamilton sits, waiting and fuming, in a room at the state Office of Child Support Enforcement. His legs bounce in his plastic chair. He’s too upset to read any of the magazines lining a far wall. He burns with frustration over paying child support, the same kind of frustration that helped fuel a killing spree in St. Louis last week. In offices like this one, frustration is not unusual.


Hamilton is distraught over the child support he’s been paying for his only child, a 4-year-old boy who shares his name. His wages are being garnisheed to the tune of $260 a month. That’s a lot of money to a man who makes $6.25 an hour as a short-order cook. He said his last paycheck, after taking out child support, was just 60 cents.


Hamilton, who bristles at the term “deadbeat dad” and insists he is a good father, said the system is strangling him financially. He’s here to argue that he’s paid enough. So, he said, he feels a little of what a witness said drove Herbert L. Chalmers, who was reportedly enraged over having his wages garnisheed for child support, to kill four people before turning the gun on himself.


“I understood his frustration, but what he did was wrong,” Hamilton, 28, said. “But just imagine you can’t pay your house note, or your car note. It hurts. Hurts the heart. They look at you like, ‘You’re a man, you can take it.’ But it hurts. I can’t go on with my life.”


Last week’s spasm of violence hints at the highly charged world of child support cases, where fights over money simmer for years and occasionally explode. Most cases proceed without notice. But while Chalmers’ violent reaction was unusual, the powerful emotions behind it - the rage, frustration and sense of helplessness - are common, say people who deal daily with family-law cases.


“When you couple financial frustration with the emotional baggage, you have a situation where, unfortunately, it can turn tragic,” Dallas divorce attorney Jonathan Bates said.


A hot-button issue


Child support is especially fraught with pain. It hits the noncustodial parent, often a man, in the heart and the checkbook. Payments can extend for up to two decades as the child grows up. Each paycheck can feel like a reminder of that failed relationship. Rational thoughts about the duty to support a child are not factored in.


“If you talk to these men and ask them, ‘Do you want your kids to sleep in the street?’ they say, ‘No, not at all.’ But they’re not thinking about that,” Clayton divorce attorney Allan Zerman said. “It’s a hot-button issue for a lot people.”


The cost of child support appears to be what pushed Chalmers over the edge. In the months before last Tuesday’s shootings, he learned he’d need to fork over even more from his paycheck at Finninger’s Catering Service in St. Louis’ West End. He reportedly felt he could not survive on the $200 he was taking home every two weeks. He told Finninger’s co-owner Charlie Finninger that the garnishment was a mistake.


Chalmers fatally shot four people: Sylvia Haynes, mother of his children; co-workers Cleo Finninger and Christine Politte; and Carol D. Moore, whose relationship with Chalmers is unclear. Another employee, Patricia Meier, was shot and survived.


Across the country, child support cases have come to violent ends. In January, a University City man killed his girlfriend, their 7-year-old son and himself because he was worried about going to jail for failing to pay child support for his other children. A New York man upset about paying child support shot two of his ex-girlfriends before killing himself in October. Last February, a Texas man shot his ex-wife and a bystander in a rampage caused by a child support dispute.


And in Seattle, a man frustrated by the child-custody system stormed a federal courthouse last summer and was killed by police. Before his death, the man had staged solo marches and written e-mails protesting the child support system in Washington state.


A huge industry


Collecting child support has emerged as a huge industry. Over the past 30 years, states and the federal government have stepped up efforts to track down parents and seek reimbursement for federal assistance money. As a result, $21.9 billion in child support was taken in across the nation in 2004. Missouri collected $527 million in child support and Illinois pulled in more than $1 billion in fiscal year 2005.


To cut down on people job-hopping to avoid paying child support, federal law requires companies to immediately report all new hires to the state, so the names can be checked against child-custody rolls. Most states use a formula for calculating the amount of child support, though family-law judges have discretion to push the amount higher and lower.


The best way to collect child support is to take it directly from paychecks, experts say. Wage garnishments account for two-thirds of all collections in the United States. In Missouri alone, 135,000 new wage garnishment orders were signed in 2005.


“Some people find it a convenience. Some people find it uncomfortable, too,” said Jim Carney, a Missouri child support field liaison. Garnisheeing wages sometimes puts companies in a difficult spot.


“It can feel like an invasion of privacy, involving an employer in a personal matter,” said Frank Murphy, a divorce attorney with the St. Louis firm of Cordell & Cordell.


One payroll company, Midwest Accounting Service, includes a copy of the court order with the first paycheck. The line item on a pay stub reads simply “garnishment.” Still, people call to complain.


“They get upset, and we just tell them we’re following the law,” office manager Julia Beardon said.


“It’s not fair”


At the child support office in downtown St. Louis, Hamilton’s wait is over. A caseworker opens the secured door. “Are you ready, Mr. Hamilton?” the caseworker asks. “Can you sign in for me? Can you step into Room 2?”


Hamilton disappears behind a door. Muffled voices pour from the room, getting louder and louder as Hamilton calls his son’s mother on his cell phone and lets her join the conversation over speakerphone.


After 15 minutes, he comes out, phone to his ear, continuing to talk with his former girlfriend.


They are arguing over what happened to $1,300 he recently paid in child support.


The phone call ends. But it is not clear whether anything was resolved.


“This is not fair, not fair,” Hamilton said, standing outside. “I live with my mom. I sleep on the floor. I don’t have a car. I walked down here. It’s not fair.”


He puts the phone in his pocket and begins the walk home, certain he will have to return.



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Guest HyperBurn
I have to pay 125 a week for my six year old.. Best part is <<<(sarcasm), I haven't seen her in almost 4 years. Her mothere won't let me see her because cshe has a peresonal grudge against me, and the courts won't do anything about it. I am at my wits end with it and finally gave up. It hurts, and in the end, the man still gets screwed with no lube. I want to be a father to my daughter, but according to the system, I can pay for her, just cant see her.
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hyperburn you should be able to file something with the courts.....i know how it is to deal with the aholes down town.....its weird some people pay alot of money somehting nothing..even though there is supposed to be a formula
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Guest Removed

Dude i make 2 payments , $130 a week(2 boys), let alone the $140 a week (in insurance) that they refuse to use :mad: (thats court ordered for you to have)


They give all the rights to the mother, And to be honest, I think thats just bullshit!

I have spent over $16,000 in attnory fee's, and guardian fee's, court cost's, ABOVE MY support, just so I can have Ohio standard vistitation, Ive had it since he was one, but when she stops letting me see him, back to court we go! And theres nothing i really can do....


I think it's time we start a movement, getting guys all over ohio too stand up and say its time for us to be able to survive, time for some of this laws to change!

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The different groups im a part of are working to get 50/50 custody in place meaning that the other parent has to prove why they should get more than 50/50 if they want it ... and if you have a 50/50 system, than the debt or the expense of a child is shared evenly and then we can get rid of child support in THAT situation.


And we are pushing for legislation that allows paying non custodial parents to get a list of where the money is being spent AND that if a mother is receiving child support that the person prove they have tried to make money on their own and that they just cant cut it.


ALso there is a March planned, I believe its either in May or in JUne, Ill let you guys know but this whole issue is why Im off to law school. This has to change. This has to get fixed. And yes, you can blame feminism for the system today. Thats a very legit and provable point. Its not a hate point, its a fact.



FOr future info:


There are ways to win in family court, you have to have a really good lawyer. I stumbled upon one and his tactic is to do everything BEFORE the woman files anything. He says, if you file for custody first, that looks to the court like YOU want custody. And you can use it in negotiations. He also said that 98% of his cases end up with the the two parties settling outside of court and writing up a contract. This, for men at this point in time, is the absolute best legal position to be in and its the one Im in right now, we are drawing up our contract in a few months (once i can afford all the lawyer fees). Then everything will be out of the courts and the other party cannot go after child support OTHER than the agreed upon amount.


We have a formula, its real simple:


You take the AFTERTAX income of both parents, and you create a ratio. THen you tally up the monthly expenses for the child, and you each pay your fair portion. Housing, insurance, etc cannot be considered an expense as we both have to provide those for our kid. Since she has her more than I do, i pay more for food/diapers, etc. But clothes are the same deal. IN the end Im paying $60 a month for expenses. Since im in school, i dont make as much as her. She makes 3 times as much as I do. Plus our parents help us out by buying toys and clothes.


All in all its a very fair deal and we are not fighting anymore, we get along which is really good for our child.

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delaware county does not have no 50/50 deal's......She told them she didnt want my money...But they take it and roll it over in a IRA for a month to make money off of my money..I think that is just wrong..Everything we've done in writing , had to be in court, she doesn't even keep to the agreement as is!


Im about to go thru the same sort of fight in franklin county just so i can start getting vistitation in place with my youngest, since she dicided to move and not tell me!


I have a damn good attnory, $300 a hour in court , and seems to have some pull with everyone in the court system!

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Guest ReneeM
I understand both sides, but not all men are the ones getting screwed. I have female friends who haven't gotten any money since day one of their child's life yet they still let the father see the child (which I am in total agreement with). They have a house note, day care, food, clothes, etc. The child is 4 years old now. Those kind of decisions take maturity. My other friend just miscarried this past January (a day b/f her birthday). She was 3 weeks pregnant...husband left her the day she found out for sure she was pregnant. She was probably not going to get a cent from him either but was willing to allow him to see his child. I am saying all this to show that their are woman out there that are willing to put their child first.
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Before child support, you were either an upstanding father and helped pay for your child's expenses, or you were a deadbeat.


Now we have guys who are willing to pay that are being driven to the poverty threshold by a system that blindly garnishes wages and doles out their earnings. So you still have deadbeats, but then you get upstanding guys who are pissed because they have to pay ridculous amounts of money they can barely afford. The system clearly fails.


Unfortunately, there are guys I know, specifically construction contractors, who have some good years and some bad years, and their child support payments are calculated on their previous year's income. They end up with negative income when times are bad, because they made so much when the times were good. I know guys, who are not much younger than my dad, and they talk about how they had to sell their houses and vehicles and move back in with their elderly parents just to keep on going, and how they only have five more years to pay. They go to work every day and do the best they can, only to get raped by they system and watch their American dream get mailed to someone else...not to mention what their unemployed ex-wives are doing with that money. If there was no child support and the custody system was fair, they'd have custody because their wives would have no house and no income.



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Child support: version CR.r0xX3r


You pay child support for the amount of time allowed to you by the courts to have the child. Meaning, if you are only allowed to see your child(ren) one day a week, then you are required to pay support for that alocated amount of time and that time ONLY.


So what you do is figure the cost of care of a child of specific age groups for one years time. Take that figure, and divide it by 12. Take that figure and divide it by 30.41 (the average number of days in a month over a calender year of 365 days). Now, the number of days in one month you see your child(ren)(in this example 1 day/wk = 4 days/ mnth), and multiply.


Lets say it costs (i have no idea what it costs, this is just a number to use) $10,000/yr to care for a child age 3-5.


$10,000/12mnths = $833.33/mnth


$833.33/30.41 days = $27.40/day


4 days/mnth x $27.40 = $109.60/mnth



Now, will good fathers who are doing well for themselves going to stick to that... probably not, theyll go beyond that as deep as they can reach into thier pockets. However, the point behind a system like this, would keep mothers from abusing the child support system while depriving the rights of fathers to see thier child(ren). If the mother only wants to allow the father one day a week, then she is to support the child for the other 6 days. If the mother wants her way, she pays in cash, while the father pays in anxiety and frustration.


My parents split when i was only 5, and i know my dad had a hell of a time paying support for myself and my two sisters. We only saw him once a week, and it really made it hard for him. The shit part is, it made it really hard on us kids too. Now that were all grown up, 21, 23, and 25, our relationship with our dad is jack shit to what it coulda been. I made special attempts once i turned 16 to build a stronger relationship with my dad, but by thenthe damage had already been done. We had grown up, and he had no idea who we were anymore. My dad couldnt tell you what kind of music i listen to, what my favorite color is, or the names of any of my past girlfriends. The only thing he knows, is the first 5yrs, and the past 7yrs. Point is, its not only the fathers going through the crap, the kids are too but not untill later in life when they realize what theyve missed.

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Guest HyperBurn
everyone here has got a valid point. But in the end, what are we left with?? Nothing. I could've talked to the judge until I was blue in the face. I'm sure it didn't help the judge was a woman either. They say they want to make this "fair" for both parent's and are looking out for the best interest of the child(ren). But what happens when the father loses everything he has because he cannot pay rent, or keep his electric on?? Where is the health and well being for him?? And when all this happens, how is he supposed to live? How is he supposed to shower?? What about the gas to get to work??You know the law also says that you lose your license after not paying for so many months. How is he supposed to work to make the money to pay for the insurance and fork over the cash to the ex?? It's a fucked up situation in a fucked up system in a fucked up reasoning of a "court". The more and more I keep thinking about this the more and more it PISSES ME OFF!!! IN THE END THE MALE IS STILL SCREWED!! I FUCKING HATE HER!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Guest Removed

And another thing is, how are we suppose to take care of the child when there with us, if everyone but us can have are money? My checks where $130(take home) after it's all said and done...I know it's very hard, but the judge told me to get another job, im like how the hell am i suppose to do that, when working 8 to 7 6 days a week..after my full time job, there was no time or energy left too go too the next job!


It's time to make a stand!!!!! time to rewrite the system!!! the system has falled...


there are fathers out there not paying a dime, but get to enjoy there childern...And then there are fathers out there paying though the nose , and dont get to see there kids!!!

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If you cant pay for a kid, keep your pants on. It's pretty simple not to risk mistakes that you cant afford.


If a bitch isn't taking care of the kid, and is living off the child support, fight for cutody of the child. Make your case, at least try. Dont just bitch that you shouldn't pay, because you should. Get the child and raise them, make the bitch pay the child support. That's the change that needs made. There's too many blind eye's turned to women, it's too automatic that they get custody.

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Guest Removed

im not sayin, i shoudn't be payin....


but with one child they only suppose to take 65% of youir income, uncle sam takes his 30%....Let me ask you, can you live off just 5% of your pay?

and delaware refuse's to reconfigure mine, with my insurance! franklin county did, and readjusted it after it went up(I changed jobs and it doubled).


But i would like to know where the money is going.... Instead of her buyying her bf new cd's with it or some other stupid shit!!!!

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Geeze, I been through this shit with Keith Jr, who's now 16. Some of you have heard the stories and others have not, and I ain't gonna type it all out here as it would take a week of typing.


Short version.

Lori (Keiths mother) gets knocked up on purpose to get me to marry her.

Keith's born and we continue to date (still in highschool at this point)

Week before graduation Lori and I get into a shouting match and she admits she got pregnant on purpose, I kick here to the curb and she runs down and gets support.

6 mnths later she marries the guy she was screwing while she was dating me.

She take's Dale (her new husband) to the cleaners, spending money like it was water, going through his college savings, inhearitance and any other money the poor bastard had till he had to borrow money to file for divorce.

She then starts dating a dude named John, who was a crack dealer (mind you I have not seen her or Keith Jr in 3 yrs). She then adds to the list of addresses that I will be receiving from the court soon enough. Either her or this John asshole beat the hell out of Keith Jr and he is then dumped with his grandfather. He's now 4 years old. I get a call from his grandfather telling me what has happened and that he needs me to sign an emergency change of custody to remove Lori's parenting rights or he will be put into foster care. I go sign papers and get to see my kid for the first time in 3 yrs.


I get a copy of the papers, with her previous addresses, it takes 3 sheets to put them all on, printed like address labels would be printed on a laser printer.

I begin discussions with her father about getting custody of Keith and things are worked out and custody is transfered. Mind you I am STILL paying support, and part of the agreement with her is that I will not attempt to get support from her, so I let that go.

She decides to move to Johnstown to be close to him, and he decides to move in with her. My biggest mistake short of having sex with her to begin with. (I love my son, but he is attached to her forever, and she is about as unfit as any crackhead ever was.)

He moves in, she then moves to her grandmothers house in Fallsburg, after he decides to get me and her investigated for child abuse. That was fun!!!!

She then move again to Frazysburg, and me being a dumbass don't force my hand about him living with her as long as it was in Johnstown, mind you, I have had custody of him the entire time. They then move to Heath for about 6 months then skip out on the rent there and go off to North Carolina.

Then over the last Xmas break Keith comes up for a week, I go to take him back down and meet her in West Virgina, drop him off to her and then get a call from her 10 minutes later telling me that I hca come back and get him because he has told her off for laughing at him becasue he was upset that he wouldn't be seeing me for awhile.

He's been living with me ever since, is straightening out, enrolled at the Vocational School for welding trades and seems to be getting on track.

As a final fuck you from her, when she sends his stuff up she sent all his crap, broken toys, clothes that didn't fit, and other crap. His Xbox, coin collection, silver certificates, television and other valuables did not get sent. And after numerous calls to her from him, and her father. She still hasn't bothered.


Yes, that is the very short version.

Here's the thing, if you have to play within the rules of the system, you can make EVERYONE else involved play within those rules too.

Visitation is seperate from support, but if you find the right judge, he will escrow the support if some cases to motivate the mother. Also, the support enforcement agency are officers of the courts, is a way and unless there is a protection order the judge will provide you with last known address. And women keep that address up to date so they can get their check. More over, as long as you don't have a protection order against you, it's not tresspassing to show up on her doorstep as you have a reason for being there. And in order fo it to be trespassing, she would need to get a protection order. Now that will require a judge's signature and a good reason. You showing up wanting to see your kid is not a good reason and will motivate the judge and courts in general to start looking into things. Also remember that a custody decree is a legal contract and has civil repercussions if not followed, but you have to bring charges so that a notice of contempt of court will be issued, so don't file about her not following the agreement, then when she gets the notice and says that she will let you see the child if you drop it, dont drop it. Tell her you will, if needs be to see your child, but don't back down. She will know that you will bend and the second time around the courts will not bother with your contempt charge.

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Lori (Keiths mother) gets knocked up on purpose to get me to marry her.


Not to take away from your story, but I laughed at this.


This is part of the reason that despite many problems that my wife and I have had that we've made an effort to make things work. We've certainly had our differences, but aside from the fact that I love my wife, I want to give our son the best life we can. I was not quite 18 and my wife was 21 (No, we weren't married until he was 3) when our son was born, and instead of turning tail and running (which seems to be socially acceptable nowadays) we have done our best to provide a good life for the child we created. It's been tough at times, but it's all worth it in the end. I really do feel for some of you that are in situations like this; I couldn't imagine being practically bankrupted and forced to be a weekend dad.

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but with one child they only suppose to take 65% of youir income, uncle sam takes his 30%....Let me ask you, can you live off just 5% of your pay?

and delaware refuse's to reconfigure mine, with my insurance! franklin county did, and readjusted it after it went up(I changed jobs and it doubled).

Have you tried for custody? Get your child and make her pay you, sounds poetic, eh? :)


I got lucky after being stupid. Elena and I are both family focused, out of our "I jsut dont know what I want from life" phase, and she's not a crazy whore like many of these stories. :) If things had turned out different, and I wasn't lucky, I'd be fighting tooth and nail for custody of my boy. There's so many reasons, not the least of which is the importance of a male role model day after day, especialy during adolescense. There's alot of guys in prison who's mamas loved and cared for them. My boy is too important to me not to do everything possible, his future depends on it. Mom would have an open ticket any time, so long as she was civilised. Some of these stories though, you'd be afraid of them kidnapping the kid. I just dont get the motivations behind some of these acts.

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If you cant pay for a kid, keep your pants on. It's pretty simple not to risk mistakes that you cant afford.


if only the world worked this way but it doesnt and to be 100% honest, what about those that get married?


Your opinion is noted but its lacking several key points. It makes sense if you have a narrow scope focused on the issue and dont consider it as a complete entity. ITs very broad, could you elaborate more?


The current system is unfair and everyone that agrees needs to speak up and make this a topic commonly dicussed ... it will gain speed and momentum and things can be done ... just talk about it. discuss it with your friends, get a census, lets be heard, lets share ideas and understand this even better than those that are creating it to ruin our lives.


yes, thats a big FUCK YOU to the feminists ...

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Guest Removed
Have you tried for custody? Get your child and make her pay you, sounds poetic, eh? :)


If it where only that easy, They will not take the child away from the mother, without good cause :o I have all the court records in place, of the countless time's i've filed contempt against her, and also have the graudian recorded her repeated at attempts, to push me away from the child :mad:


He's in school now, next year is first grade..He really doesn't like to home to mommy's....


I need to get vistation going with my youngest child, that will be takin care of here very soon ;) and then i'll start staking up her dumbass shit, that she's has been pulling, And i'm sure once that gets going she'll come up with more dumb shit! she said she would not be pulling the same shit steph was :rolleyes: but im sure all of us in this thread know how women are so truthfull :rolleyes:


And it seem's no matter what you do for them and the baby after there born, your still worthless and they dont want you to have anything to do with the baby..but i'll give ethans mom, some small props on her being a much better person, on some level's, and not many! I havent seen him since christmas. She's cashed all the support check's since then! Hell theres his birthday pesents and christmas stuff from last year at my grandma's house... she (mama) hasnt seen him in almost a year :mad: but he can sure go to her BF' parnets and what not all the time....


In delaware, i know most of the rules and whatnot, franklin county seem's to be better and easyer to deal with....

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I think the whole child support and whats demanded to pay should be reevaluated. My g/f has two kids and their father is worthless broken promises, doesn't come when he says he will, won't go out of his way to see them, and doesn't pay what was mandated by the courts. Its bullshit she would have to take him back to court the court should check up on that crap or at least make it easy to file a contempt charge.
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Guest Removed
I think the whole child support and whats demanded to pay should be reevaluated. My g/f has two kids and their father is worthless broken promises, doesn't come when he says he will, won't go out of his way to see them, and doesn't pay what was mandated by the courts. Its bullshit she would have to take him back to court the court should check up on that crap or at least make it easy to file a contempt charge.



for her to file contempt, is easy... hell most of the time they do it for her! :confused:

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Not to take away from your story, but I laughed at this.


This is part of the reason that despite many problems that my wife and I have had that we've made an effort to make things work. We've certainly had our differences, but aside from the fact that I love my wife, I want to give our son the best life we can. I was not quite 18 and my wife was 21 (No, we weren't married until he was 3) when our son was born, and instead of turning tail and running (which seems to be socially acceptable nowadays) we have done our best to provide a good life for the child we created. It's been tough at times, but it's all worth it in the end. I really do feel for some of you that are in situations like this; I couldn't imagine being practically bankrupted and forced to be a weekend dad.



I really do understand what you are saying, and up to the point that she blatently told me the ONLY reason she got pregnant was so I would marry her was enough. Mind you I had questions about her being fateful, and was later told that my suspisions had alot of merit and she was indeed screwing around on me, after Keith was born and she ended up with the guy a day later after we broke up and then married him. Also, the part about her ruining him and bankrupting him, was told to me by him. We were friends before she ran off with him. As bad a person as I was for dumping her off for what she did, she was then and continues to be a criminal and usless piece of shit to this day. I mentioned that she never sent any of Keiths valuables to him when he moved back in with me, what I failed to mention is that she has a history of taking the kids toys game systems and even new clothes and either having garage sales and selling the stuff or pawning it. If she can turn it into money, she will. I assume that with her track record she took his collection of 1940's silver dollars and bought cigs with them, getting only face value for them. She is really that fucking stupid. Yes, I realize that I was the dumbass that slept with her and got her pregnant, and my only real defense is that teenage male hormones is a DAMN POWERFUL thing!!!


As far as giving my sona good life, I am doing that. By providing him a stable, nurturing envrioment that he can learn in. Keeping him in one school and not moving him to 5 different schools as she did while he was in the first grade.

When I got custody, he went to Johnstown from the 2nd grade to the 7tgh grade, then he moved in with her, he went to Johnstown, then ther Heath City, then to Fallsburg (can't remember the district) then to Tri-county, then to school in North Carolina. Then back with me, and guess what, he's back in Johnstown, I even bought my second house in the district so he could continue to go there. I realize that this don't sound like a big deal, and to many normal people it's not. But it's something that she was never able to provide for him.ANd its'not something that I could have provided to him being married to her, because everything has to be about her and what she wants, even at the cost of hurting her own child. Like I said before, this is only a small portion of the story. I would one whole page with not even half of it to type it all out. But the short version is that not once have I ever litterally cut myself up with a razor (across my arms) and then stood there bleeding in front of my son and blamed him for multilating myself (yep, she did, and blamed him).

There is a saying about there are people that are alive only because it's not legal to kill them,,,, she is that person in my eyes. That and as much hurt as she has caused Keith Jr over the years, she is his mother, and I couldn't take her from him, even if he would be better off without her influence in his life.

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for her to file contempt, is easy... hell most of the time they do it for her! :confused:



Not what they told her when she called, they said she would have to take him back to court which is at least a grand if not more considering court costs and lawyer fees.

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Guest Removed
Not what they told her when she called, they said she would have to take him back to court which is at least a grand if not more considering court costs and lawyer fees.

completely different sceniro



they gave steph lawyer, and everytime i file conpenmt on her, they turn around and file conpenmt on me, and everytime, they get blown out the door, cause i do what im suppose to do! last time , they filed on me due to back support, but the funny thing was , i wasnt even behind on support :confused: they do that or try and discredit you, and make us look like the bad guy! :rolleyes:


what county is she filing in? cause each county has different rule's and what not! does he come see the kid's? if so, take his ass back to court, and if the shit asnt payed, he''l either go to jail, lose his DL, and or they will even empty his bank account! or all of the above!

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have her take everything to the opportunity center at the FCCS center downtown!


she may apply for asst through there!(qualify for a free attnory or whatnot)


My dad used to work there, all i ever heard out of there was storys of "she dont let me see them" or " he ant payin no support and i cant get no diaper's"...they help everyone in there..


my attnory is high priced but he is damn good! He has alot of pull in franklin county, and respect in other county's as well!

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