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should i get a lawyer for my accident??


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so i have been debating getting a lawyer for my accident.....it was not my fault and my neck is killing me have gone to the ER and now to the ciropractor(sp) and it still is killing me.....getting the run around from the insurance company.....i got a chekc for my car to get it fixed but i had to order new rims off ebay which is all well and good but they haven't even shipped the rims yet and they are telling me that i can only have a rental car till next tues and the body shop is backed up so WTF do i do without a car???? so should i hire an attorny and get compensated for my pain and suffering and all that jazz and get help so i can keep my rental till my car is done or not????any ideas???? all of you have probably been through this and are much wiser then me so help me out and thx for reading and no flaming this time please
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yes, get a lawyer.


i got in a pretty bad accident when i was a senior in high school thankfully i walked away with only minor scrapes and cuts but my dad's Mark VIII was totaled. I regret not getting a lawyer to this day.


There's a good chance the attorney will get you into a rental and have the ins. company pick up the tab. Plus if your still hurt you should be compensated for it.

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