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Needs some help from the overclockers


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Wow, smokin5s - you seriously don't know anything about electronics do you? Maybe you should just be quiet, because every post you have made shows how clueless you are - and it gets worse with each succeeding post.


Heat has nothing to do with how fast a processor will run - it may control the upper threshold at which you can run a processor's maximum clockspeed, but it doesn't make a processor faster or slower because of the temperature. It will process at the same rate from stone cold all the way to the point where it either hard locks the system or catches on fire. It's not like it puts out more 'horsepower' at 30 degrees than it does at 50 degress.


If your theory were true, then overclocking would not scale linearly in performance gains because of heat - yet it does (and we have charts and evidence to prove it - go look at any hardware site).


I'm happy that you are the lead for your IT department and went to school for EE. My question to you is, if you are a EE, why aren't you doing EE work, instead of working in IT? If you aren't a EE, I can see why.


I feel sorry for your employer.

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wow Larry, you really can't read can you? I never said that heat had anything to do with speed... I did say that when you overclock the processor, it runs hotter... that is a fact... I also stated that your gains aren't worth it because with an overclocked processor and a "stock" cooling fan you will run into problems... when your processor overheats it will cause errors and will lock up... how do I know? I've done it... now I make enough money that I'm not a tight wad that won't spend money if I feel my computer isn't fast enough.


as far as why am I not in the EE field when that's why what I I went to school for.... um because that's not what I want to do with the rest of my life... why don't you talk to the people that you work with (as long as you don't work in a warehouse somewhere) ask them what their degree is in... I would wager at least 75% of them are in a field completely different than their degree... I asked around my office... one person has a journalism degree, one is CIS, one is business management, and my snr manager's degree is in finance. Most companies don't care what degree you have, they want experience... they will train you on the specifics once you get there.


besides, if you know so much about overclocking and how great it is... why are you asking for help and why is it "unstable"?

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  smokin5s said:
wow Larry, you really can't read can you? I never said that heat had anything to do with speed...


O Rly?


Exhibit A:


  smokin5s said:
Originally Posted by smokin5s

and for short bursts it is, but once the processor heats up, you might read a faster processor speed, but your machine runs slower


What does that statement mean then, because I know what it says.


I did say that when you overclock the processor, it runs hotter... that is a fact... I also stated that your gains aren't worth it because with an overclocked processor and a "stock" cooling fan you will run into problems... when your processor overheats it will cause errors and will lock up... how do I know?


Backpedal anyone? Careful, I wouldn't want you trip.


And I have already pointed out NUMEROUS times that I am NOT running into heat issues. If it were HEAT, then no amount of voltage would make the processor run ANY faster. In fact, before I turned the BIOS up to make the fan kick in earlier, the processor would get as hot as 50C at STOCK clockspeed and voltage. What does this mean? It means the processor is good up to AT LEAST 50c, and it is running nowhere near those temperatures at 2250 MHZ (43C fully loaded). AMD specifies a TDP of at least 65C, possible more.


My processor at 2250MHZ and stock voltage (1.35V). is running 2 degrees celsius hotter (45c) than at it's RATED speed of 1800 MHZ where it runs at 43c. If the processor cannot handle 2 degrees celsius of variation, then there is a problem with the CPU because I know my temperatures will go up more than 2 degrees when summer comes.


Myself and many others know WELL what the stock HSF that ships with an opteron/dual-core Athlon is capable of. I am nowhere near the limits of the HSF. You don't know what you are talking about because you haven't spent any time researching it and gathering other's similar experiences. Instead, your spouting of the typical anti-overclock BS that has been proven wrong time and time again.


  smokin5s said:
I've done it... now I make enough money that I'm not a tight wad that won't spend money if I feel my computer isn't fast enough.


Ah...the money argument. It's not about being a tightwad. It's about having fun and having a challenge. Shall we do a salary comparison next? You *think* you make more money, therefore, you MUST know more and MUST be correct? $$$=right.


Guess that means that William Gates is NEVER wrong, eh?


Stop acting like a 12 y/o. A lot of people know a lot more than you do and probably make a lot less.


as far as why am I not in the EE field when that's why what I I went to school for.... um because that's not what I want to do with the rest of my life... why don't you talk to the people that you work with (as long as you don't work in a warehouse somewhere)


I almost see no sense in even responding to the last comment. As proven by previous posts, it simply shows your ignorance. For what it is worth, I am in the computer field. And not as a desktop repair tech - which is what 'lead IT' usually means.


ask them what their degree is in... I would wager at least 75% of them are in a field completely different than their degree... I asked around my office... one person has a journalism degree, one is CIS, one is business management, and my snr manager's degree is in finance. Most companies don't care what degree you have, they want experience... they will train you on the specifics once you get there.


They want knowledge and ability...neither of which you apparently have. And they haven't figured out that you don't have it - probably because you are friends with the right people.


besides, if you know so much about overclocking and how great it is... why are you asking for help and why is it "unstable"?


Let's see...because maybe I want to narrow down exactly what is my limiting factor? I already stated that it is stable overclocked, but not where I was hoping to get to. Did you bother to actually read anything in this thread? Here, let me quote for you:


  lemosley01 said:

HTT maxes at 305 MHZ - this was the first thing I tested. Using HTT 2 or 3x multiplies and a 200 memory divider (on my board 200 would be = 100 on other boards).


Using clockgen, I can run 250MHZ HTT stable at 1.35V. For every .01 voltage I give it, I seem to get about another 50 MHZ, up to 1.45V where I can get 2450 MHZ.


Let's see here, multiplier = 9. Stock speed = 1800. Stock HTT = 200. Stable at 250 MHZ HTT * 9 multi = 2250 MHZ = 450 MHZ overclock. Sorry that simple multiplication and subtraction eludes you. Maybe you better sue whatever university you went to (or the crackerjack box you got your degree from), because I'd say you got ripped off.

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  lemosley01 said:
O Rly?


Exhibit A:




What does that statement mean then, because I know what it says.


you are twisting my words around, i did not mean heating up to running temperature... I was talking about overheating... when I overclocked mine, within 5 min's, it was sitting over 90c which is waaaaaaaaay too hot for the processor.



  lemosley01 said:


Backpedal anyone? Careful, I wouldn't want you trip.


I'm not backpedaling, I'm trying to clear things up since obviously typing on the internet without explaining EXACTLY what I'm trying to say leads to assumptions


  lemosley01 said:

And I have already pointed out NUMEROUS times that I am NOT running into heat issues. If it were HEAT, then no amount of voltage would make the processor run ANY faster. In fact, before I turned the BIOS up to make the fan kick in earlier, the processor would get as hot as 50C at STOCK clockspeed and voltage. What does this mean? It means the processor is good up to AT LEAST 50c, and it is running nowhere near those temperatures at 2250 MHZ (43C fully loaded). AMD specifies a TDP of at least 65C, possible more.


My processor at 2250MHZ and stock voltage (1.35V). is running 2 degrees celsius hotter (45c) than at it's RATED speed of 1800 MHZ where it runs at 43c. If the processor cannot handle 2 degrees celsius of variation, then there is a problem with the CPU because I know my temperatures will go up more than 2 degrees when summer comes.


ok, congrats, you don't have heat issues yet... do you want a cookie... I was stating what I've seen in the past when I've dealt with overclocking... as far as heat issues, read anywhere... everyone recomends upgrading your fan before attempting to overclock your PC

  lemosley01 said:

Myself and many others know WELL what the stock HSF that ships with an opteron/dual-core Athlon is capable of. I am nowhere near the limits of the HSF. You don't know what you are talking about because you haven't spent any time researching it and gathering other's similar experiences.


do you want a cookie? have fun overclocking


  lemosley01 said:
Instead, your spouting of the typical anti-overclock BS that has been proven wrong time and time again.

oh god, you sound like a politician.. have you considered running for office?


  lemosley01 said:

Ah...the money argument. It's not about being a tightwad. It's about having fun and having a challenge. Shall we do a salary comparison next? You *think* you make more money, therefore, you MUST know more and MUST be correct? $$$=right.


Guess that means that William Gates is NEVER wrong, eh?

jesus, I'm not throwing the fact that I make more money than you in your face, I was stating that I am not a broke college student anymore and will buy new before trying to mess with how it is designed.


  lemosley01 said:

Stop acting like a 12 y/o. A lot of people know a lot more than you do and probably make a lot less.





  lemosley01 said:

I almost see no sense in even responding to the last comment. As proven by previous posts, it simply shows your ignorance. For what it is worth, I am in the computer field. And not as a desktop repair tech - which is what 'lead IT' usually means.


because you have no rebuttle... you know that it's true... people don't typically work in the jewb that their degree is in... as far as what I do for a living... the answer is simple... I am not a desktop repair tech (although I see nothing wrong with that jewb) I am an administrator. What do you do for a living?



  lemosley01 said:

They want knowledge and ability...neither of which you apparently have. And they haven't figured out that you don't have it - probably because you are friends with the right people.


funny... it has nothing to do with being friends with anyone... I knew no one when I started this job... now I will schmooze with the big wigs when i get a chance, but you'd be a hypocrite if you said that you wouldn't do the same if you get the oportunity.



  lemosley01 said:

Let's see...because maybe I want to narrow down exactly what is my limiting factor? I already stated that it is stable overclocked, but not where I was hoping to get to. Did you bother to actually read anything in this thread? Here, let me quote for you:




Let's see here, multiplier = 9. Stock speed = 1800. Stock HTT = 200. Stable at 250 MHZ HTT * 9 multi = 2250 MHZ = 450 MHZ overclock. Sorry that simple multiplication and subtraction eludes you. Maybe you better sue whatever university you went to (or the crackerjack box you got your degree from), because I'd say you got ripped off.


I read exactly what you wrote... did you expect someone to say, "here you go, I'll let you borrow my motherboard so you can try overclocking your processor" give me a fucking break pal...


It's been fun, but I need to get back to werk. I wouldn't want them to realize that they made a mistake hiring someone as incompitent as I am :rolleyes:


P.S. I will agree that DeVry as an institution sux big fat donkey balls!

P.S.S. what in the computer field do you do and what is your degree in?

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  Droptop said:
Josh, Larry, both of you quit being gay. Now.


Take your 2.9 GHZ Athlon...and...I don't know.


I'm just jealous. Blah.


smokin5s, my apologies, things got a little heated.


edit: I'm neither a broke college student or a 'warehouse worker', either, I just like the challenge of putting something like this together - nothing more and nothing less.

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Guest compudaze
He asked for help thinking he was doing something wrong because he wasn't hitting the speeds 'everyone' else was with those Opteron's. The fact is, he wasn't doing anything wrong, his chip isn't that great of an overclocker. Case closed. Let's all get some sleep now.
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