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Two-Way Radios

Guest noke43

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Guest noke43

Was just wondering if anybody was still using two-way radios anymore. I know a few years ago some people were using them a lot.


Just figured that when we get kicked out of various lots, we all could be on the same page as where to head next instead of all of us heading in a hundred different directions and everybody getting split up.


Just a thought.

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  wnaplay said:
Yeah but if everyone had the radios and were on the same frequency everyone who had them could hear. Call each person individually or contact everyone with on shot.




sure, and then anyone could tune in.....think about it

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CB's or FRS radios either one would be cool. Not to mention, truckers talk about two things on the radio.... titties and troopers. A CB radio on channel 19 whips the ass of ANY radar detector. And a CB radio with 'extra' channels above 40 and below 1 are about a private as a FRS radio. Talking about racing and shit on 19 is about as bright as using a police radio. State troopers and Colunbus Freeway Patrol BOTH have CB's on channel 19, I talk to several of them at least once a week.


As far as a big silly antenna, I run one but you can run a little cell looking antenna. It ain't gonna talk as far, but you ain't trying to talk to Fla or Canada like I do either.

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simple 2-way hand held motorolas with 5mile radius, makes perfect sense.


Choose a channel and the entire group can communicate not to mention you can hear what others are talking about.


Mostly what they are great for is navigating the large group to the next turn, announcing where we are turning, etc.


And if yuo are out racing, honestly, police are not monitoring ever single channel at all times AND have a monitoring station that can pick up your handheld radios which have a short range .. think about it, its almost impossible, not something id factor in as a risk, because the distances traveled along with the requirements for the police to monitor ... and when a friend leaves the pack, our radios stop working after about a minute, which gives you an idea of how short short range really is.

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Guest noke43

A few years ago, people used the FRS radios. If I remember right, it wasn't to bad. It's just that everybody does not have everybody elses direct connect number. It was a lot easier for instant communication instead of the trickle down effect of Nextel. When we get run out of places, everybody ends up heading in different directions.


Just a thought.


Guess I'll carry one for the hell of it. Just to see what happens. I guess the old channel we used is good enough.

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  wnaplay said:
Think about it? Surely you arent considering the channel possibilities with the radios that have channels and sub channels.


Exactly, those sub channels like 14.01 can not be heard when tuned into 14. Very nice feature.

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  wnaplay said:
Think about it? Surely you arent considering the channel possibilities with the radios that have channels and sub channels.


Exactly what I was getting at, do it someplace frequency wise that no one else is listening.

But Sub channels on an FRS radio work with something called PL tones. Basically it transmits a inaudible tone that the radio hears and opens the squelch so you can the transmission. Scanners and other receivers that do not have PL tone squelch turned on will hear your transmission.


I know it sounds sort of James Bond, but if there was a sort of code used, or no direct references used, like calling the Thrift Store site 1 and Reynoldsburg Kroger site 2, then no one would know for sure where we were headed.


Just a thought.

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Guest 78novaman
CB's would work fine. Just do NOT use ch 19 (truckers hate racers) or ch 09 (emergency use only). You can a.) buy a small cell-phone looking antenna or b.) get a handheld. Change the channel every weekend and it would take weeks if not months for outsiders to catch on. Plus CB's are cheap.
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  wnaplay said:
Think about it? Surely you arent considering the channel possibilities with the radios that have channels and sub channels.





the scanner i have , will pick up everything but a nextel two-way..

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  gearhead559 said:



the scanner i have , will pick up everything but a nextel two-way..


OMG so everyone must have this scanner as well. Or will rush right out and get one so the can find out where everyone is meeting up at. Somebody will always find a way or have something. But c'mon what are the chances of someone spending half the night fucking with a scanner just top figure out where the hell people are meeting. I dont have to worry, I have telepathy.:slap:

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  wnaplay said:
OMG so everyone must have this scanner as well. Or will rush right out and get one so the can find out where everyone is meeting up at. Somebody will always find a way or have something. But c'mon what are the chances of someone spending half the night fucking with a scanner just top figure out where the hell people are meeting. I dont have to worry, I have telepathy.:slap:




I don't think that is what he meant. He was just saying that scanners will pickup FRS radios. I think the thing that evenrone is missung here is that a scanner will also listen to the police. Problem is that you can't have a scanner in a vehicle in Ohio legally unless you are a policeman, firefighter or amatuer radio operator (requires a FCC license which I do have). Not to mention that the commision of any crime, using a scanner in the commision of that crime (including fleeing) makes it a federal offense.

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