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El Karacho1647545492

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Guest FooFooMaru

I got knocked up on laughing gas. I threw up before I went under and then proceeding with getting one of my baby teeth pulled and the adult cainine pulled in. It sucked. Other than that...I got my pinky sewn back on after it got chopped off. And my face stitched back together after a great dane ripped my left cheek halfway off. Annnnnnnnnd that's all. Those last ones aren't really "surgery" but oh well.


I never did the Tonsil thing though.....hmmm

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Missing: Appendix, tonsils, 3" of tongue, some patches of skin, wisdom teeth, cartilidge


Broken: Left arm x2, right arm x3, ribs x3, foot x2, ankle x1, fingers x3, neck x2


Hospitalized: I'd lost count by the time I was 10.

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I got all 4 of my impacted wisdom teeth pulled last thursday.


last night i found out I have an infection on one of them because everytime i yawn the pressure from my cheek squirts out puss on my tongue and its absolutely foul.


my mom made me go to the ER I was there till 4 am (5 hrs) and then at 7 i wok up to go to the maxilofacial surgeon this morning.



wisdom teeth removal sucks. I have a bachelor party in cleveland on saturday and now I can't drink because i'm on antibiotics.




edit i took vicodin last week and it didn't do much for me, i thought i would be like retarded but i was normal. didn't seem to be very strong.

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I got all 4 of my impacted wisdom teeth pulled last thursday.


last night i found out I have an infection on one of them because everytime i yawn the pressure from my cheek squirts out puss on my tongue and its absolutely foul.

Bleck, I've only been to the ER a few times, just for broken bones and what not. I'm having my wisdom teeth pulled shortly, fun fun.

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Anthony, that 3" of tongue thing sounds like....mad suckass for lack of a better phrase.


My hospital visits include:


Wisdom teeth, Hernia when i was 6weeks old, this tonsilectomy, adenoidectomy, 4 concussions, 6 broken fingers (separate times), broken arm, tests for meningitis (negative...but they had to do a spinal tap), and an ECG for my heart murmur that decided to become problematic a couple years ago.


EDIT: RX7Dood, you're right Vicodin is all BS. Maybe it works for young kids, but for a 6'3" 230 pounder, its worthless. Thats why I had my girlfriend smuggle me some percocet for when the pain is really bad.

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I've only had one surgery and that was having my tonsils out when I was young. I don't remember anything about it since it was so long ago. I do remember that I had all the popsicles I could eat while I was in recovery hehe. I've never been to the ER ever, no broken bones or anything like that. Having my wisdom teeth out was cool, though. It was much easier than everyone had made it out to be. I got 4 shots in my mouth and within minutes of it going numb, all 4 teeth were out. They gave me some Tylenol and I was able to eat dinner that night :)
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Guest HyperBurn
Heart surgury at age 20. Had a irregular heartbeat and they had to burn out a 2cmx2cm piece out. Then my heart stopped on the table. Had to be shocked with the paddles twice. Paddle burns suck bad. Painful and itchy.
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Suffered with swollen tonsils everyday as a kid, to scared to get them out. Let all 4 impacted wisdom teeth to come in, to scared to get them out. Damn near broke both ankles when a 454 motor fell of a hoist and dropped on them just after taking it out of the chevelle. Had surgery on the side of my hand after it went through the screen door. Sat waiting for a plastic surgeon to finish his dinner before he got there. 14 needle shots in one spot when they numbed it and he took hours to get there so they had to re-numb it again. Many-many stitches. When I was a kid, I went with my dad to a junkyard. I wrapped a hand full of speaker wire around my hand and pulled real hard. Split every finger down to the bone.
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broke my left arm once, had surgery on my gums when I got my braces taken off, had a cyst removed from the upper pallat of my mouth, had my impacted wisdom teeth taken out, and went to the hospital once for a kidney stone.. that was horrible.
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I had that gum surgery after I got my braces off too. It sucked. I remember just walking up and down the sidewalk of the dentists office afterward just spitting out blood. It just plain sucked.
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