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Turbine engines strapped on man while skydiving


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I got clammy hands just watching that video.


I truly think if I ever went skydiving that the first thing to hit the LZ before I touch down will be my shit falling on people's heads as I deficate myself leaving the hot air balloon.

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Pimp shit! I designate our resident benz guy to go make a better vieo of it in action.

Give me a set of real engines. I'm going to call BS on their performance claims, no way those engines make the est 75lb each needed to hold a man still. Those are the same model aircraft turbines that propelled the big model B52 model to its death....it needed 8. They would help move him forward throught he air, but by tilting your body, you can move up to about 30mph relative to the ground without anything but gravity and air. Note the cretit at the top, "Bird Man International". They make suits that augment this effect. His feet weren't even pointed straight behind him. He appeared to ascend because the camera guy was falling faster. Those engines sound impressive, but they probably make about 30lb thrust max. You can equal that with 6 Estes E rockets from the local hobby store...or get a gas turbine where he probably got his: http://www.amtjets.com/

His had electric starters, could have been the Olympus model, they spit 50lbf each. Still not enough to maintain altitude with just body surfing. But, you may get off the ground with some wing surface.


Get me the engine from one of these, toss me off a hot-air balloon, I'll show you flight....oh, and you have to pay for all of it. Hell, tape it to your car, 300lb thrust would take a second+ off your ET.

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I don't think he was necessarily going for more altitude. I think he was just trying to see how far he could travel going a horizontal direction while falling, something most skydivers don't experience. Plus, he probably significantly increased his fall time.
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