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Okay, so I am on my way back from work yesterday just minding my own business. When I come to a stop at a traffic light I hear a car honking. I look around to see what was happening and there are these two JA's in a run down Accord giving me the finger. What the heck...

I'm sitting there thinking to myself, what color is the sky in thier world.

Has anyone else had stupid stuff like this happen? Cuz I am confused.


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Okay, so I am on my way back from work yesterday just minding my own business. When I come to a stop at a traffic light I hear a car honking. I look around to see what was happening and there are these two JA's in a run down Accord giving me the finger. What the heck...

I'm sitting there thinking to myself, what color is the sky in thier world.

Has anyone else had stupid stuff like this happen? Cuz I am confused.


LMAO, I had the same exact thing happen to me a month ago on my way over to Putty's house. I ignored them, I figured they were :fruit: anyway's.

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Not surprised....I was just riding down from work in the evening. Stopped at a redlight intersection. A guy in a rusty S10 on the other street while turning showed me a finger.....either the issue here, did not like the shiny bike or else my skin color as I am an Indian.....well I live with that.

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i was stopped at a light when i first started riding, and a car full of HS kids drove by and yelled "fucking faggot"....i was i thinkin...what just happened? loser ass kids driving a POS yelling at someone on a motorcycle, wth has happened to this generation. :nono:

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I've had people signal me to do wheelies, others try to run me off the road, and once I got the finger. My buddy started carrying a pocket full of fair sized rocks to deal with asshole drivers, I've haven't had too much trouble yet. But people in cars seem not to like rocks :lol:

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just ignore them. its not worth it to try and fuck with them back, as tempting as it may be. i would never throw a rock or pennies at a car... you never know who you are going to piss off and then they try to run you over or some shit... two ton car vs half ton motorcycle, car will always win.

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I spent a while plotting how to deal with people who drive like idots. I was thinking water balloons. Half the people I come up against on the road are just idiots who shouldn't have thier license, not necessarily someone who is purposely trying to be an asshole. But, the other half are just assholes.

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I spent a while plotting how to deal with people who drive like idots. I was thinking water balloons. Half the people I come up against on the road are just idiots who shouldn't have thier license, not necessarily someone who is purposely trying to be an asshole. But, the other half are just assholes.

how are you going to carry waterballoons while you ride?:confused:

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In high school, I used to drive around town in my jeep and me and my buddies would throw water balloons at people. One time I threw one right through an oncoming cars window and nailed the driver (a kid a few years older than me). He eventually got me back with a bucket full of water while I was stopped at a traffic light....car chase through town ensued.

Oh PS...cops don't like you tossing water balloons at moving cars or from moving cars.

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I was sitting at a light awhile back and a couple rednecks were next to me eyeing my bike, then the one yells "buy a Harley!". I just laughed, shook my head, and pointed to my radiator. ;) (then clutched up a little wheelie as I took off :D)

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I was sitting at the end of my driveway waiting for a truck to pass before I pulled onto the road. The driver yelled "FAGGOT!" out the window.

It didn't bother me in the least, because I recognized the guy. He used to ride the same school bus as me; I was one of 3 private school kids on a bus full of public school kids, so we were automatically the nerds. He has somehow held a grudge this long, and felt the need to try to insult me :p However, he can call me whatever he wants: I'm a successful college student on my way to a career and a good future, and he's still living in the same shithole he was born into, may or may not have his GED, and is driving a run-down pickup and apparently doing half-assed landscaping work. I win ;)

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Okay, so I am on my way back from work yesterday just minding my own business. When I come to a stop at a traffic light I hear a car honking. I look around to see what was happening and there are these two JA's in a run down Accord giving me the finger. What the heck...

I'm sitting there thinking to myself, what color is the sky in thier world.

Has anyone else had stupid stuff like this happen? Cuz I am confused.


they were mad that you were spending less on gas than they were!!!

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