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Yes, I did read the book. The only problem with the book was there were alot of words I did not understand or could pernounce..., so you'd read a whole sentence and be like "what the hell did I just read"...The movie has subtitles and a lot easier to follow. Good film..
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Man your the first person that said the movie was actually good. Everyone I've talked to said he was horrible.. X-men 3 comes out this friday!


Yeah, it was good...Will be seeing Xmen this Sunday for SURE..!

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Guest FrancesTheMute
did you read the book? i want to see it but everyone says you need to read the book first. unfortunately, i dont have a month to read a book right now...


I read it three days...it's not that bad of a read. Books will always be better than movies. The movie was good, however I was a bit ticked about how Ron Howard decided to change a few things around...oh well, worth the $7.50.

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wierd...couple other boards im on EVERYONE who saw it loved it.


maybe if the book is one of those that pulls you in i could knock it out in a couple weeks. may just wait for this to come out on DVD or blockbuster

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lol, Latin class pays off!

I've never taken a latin class in my life, and I had no problems with the book at all. Castigo Corpus Meum: Castigo = Chastise - Punish; Corpus = body...duh; meum = hmmm, Punish + Corpse + self mortification values....must mean "mine"!



I though the book was pretty well written, but I really hated how much it made up while using actual fact to back it up; it made assholes who think they know a shitload after they read something that much more intolerable.


The movie was actually very little like the book. The book had a lot of text that incorporated the thoughts of the characters, so that would've never worked well on the screen. Ron Howard did a damn good job taking a so-so book and turning it into a damn entertaining movie. It wasn't a particularly good movie by any standards, but it was entertaining at the very least, and I think a lot of people who didn't read the book will enjoy it a lot more than those who read it.


I'd give it a B-, which is pretty good because I'm a damn harsh critic when it comes to movies.


Rottentomatoes.com (basically the best movie review site around by most standards) has the critics (journalists, etc.) giving it a 22% and the users giving it a 75%. The users giving it a C is a DAMN good showing.

From the critic John Beifuss:

"You know a movie's a dud when even its self-flagellating albino killer monk isn't any fun. "

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I've never read the book, and thought the movie was decent. Wasn't hard to follow at all, but was fairly predictable too. Hanks did a good job, as usual.


Something worth watching once, but I don't see me buying it on DVD. It was a tad long too; they could have trimmed a bit of fat out of the movie without hurting the story line.

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i thought it was very good, IDK why the newspaper and everyone else says it sucks....


Because most people are Christian and this theory severely attacks the Church in Christianity which we all know is the business of Christianity.

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