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Peep this....


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I cant see the vid at work, but from the caption, and being an ABC clip, it sounds like the guy who said some chick stole his wallet and he was a cop and had the managers search her and make her blow the managers husband or something...right?


if so, this video is old...like a year. if not, sounds similar and ill have to watch it tonight

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Peep this....


"I got smoe more in my jacket..."


"Yo, what are these, condoms?"


"Nuh-uh, sex packets. It's like a pill, you can either chew 'em up; or like an Alka-Seltzer, dissolve it in a cup. And get this, see the girl on the cover? You black out, and she becomes your lover."

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What the fuck is that dumb girl thinking? Is her job at McDonalds really important enough to strip for? I'm pretty sure the cops would come to my work if they had a problem with me or wanted to talk to me, not talk over the phone, this shit is rediculus.
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Can these people really be that ignorant. That Nix guy, come on. He's not stupid. He's getting oral sex. But wait, wtf is wrong with that girl?! Is it possible she's claiming more innocence than she's due?
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Can these people really be that ignorant. That Nix guy, come on. He's not stupid. He's getting oral sex. But wait, wtf is wrong with that girl?! Is it possible she's claiming more innocence than she's due?


It doesn't matter if she's claiming in when it's not due to her in logical terms. Legally she is not (was not) of age to be responsible for her own actions in a situation like that. Also it happened in a work place enviorment, even if the girl was 30 and that happened, it's still wrong.


I'm not saying she's not stupd, I think she's just as dumb as the others, but she was still the victim.

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