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  Sam said:
40 roll...


You know, you would probably beat it. It may have all sorts of shit, but it's too much shit. Hell the guy is only claiming 1000 HP out of it. If that's all it's good for, I figure the reason is that if it was pushed beyond that it would blow. At least that's my thinking.



However, of my kid isn't being jerked around about this truck his buddy has for sale, and it is what he is claiming (Mazda B2000 with a Ford V-8 powerstroke turbo diesel) I will take you over to Trails and let you look at lots of black smoke as I leave your ass behind. But somehow I don't think this truck is what the kid is claiming, and especially for $500..... but I will let you know.

Oh yeah, you will have to wait till I get a Ford 9 inch narrowed,,,, I know the truck has the stock rear and that ain't about to hold up to a turbo diesel with slicks and lots of VHT.

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Guest 1sweet3.4
I feel inspired. can we say adding nitrous and supercharger to AWD dsm? lol. On second thought I think I'll just leave that idea alone. That is a really nicely done car. He's prolly about right on the price of 100,000 dollars too. ONly thing is that I would think that a 471 twin turbo'd with supercharger AND nitrous would net a little more than a 1000 hp. that might be streetable. on a very straight road. in the country. with a gas station every three miles.
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Guest 614Streets

I dunno a nodular iron crank is so 1980's. Reminds me of Dobbertin's j2000 and nova. I dont think anything could ever top the j2000 as far as the prostreet over kill thing goes.Twin blown twin turbo twin nitrous injected.... http://www.supercars.net/garages/ChevyRocks/32v2.html


On a side not though there was a guy named bill somthing pushing potvin driven 671 into a belt driven 471 in a 60 railster and he was banned from the tracks by NHRA in the mid 60's for unsafe trap speeds. Ive always like the turbo, roots blower combos , but the only documented engines ive come across that are legit are the big marine diesals made by volvo that push a kompressor style blower on a ac style clutch rpm deactivated before the turbo kicks in. Anyways definately overkill and most likely a sob to tune.

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that thing (motor wise) doesnt look put together that well to me. like 614streets said with the crank and just other things he said was done not to mention the fact that its only 800-100 hp. the guy put all this money into this but didnt even go with slicks in the first place. and when your add for your "pro street" car advertises a chrome fuel filter, that makes me quite reading. nice looking design and all but that is all it does for me, and the what little bit of wow factor it does have.
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The guy dumps that much money into the car and can't pick up a set of slicks to actually drive it? What was his plans for this car. You basically make it into a drag car yet still don't get slicks. Heck I am getting a set of slicks for the track when I take my Charger and it is only going to have around 475 hp.
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Damn, yall ain't mever heard of ProStreet??? The concept is simple, build a show quality car that mimics a Pro Stock/Pro Mod car, but is completely street legal and "can be" (insert trailer queen) driven on the street.


As far as the Doberton J-2000. It was the peak of the prostreet car.

Engine pics (and check out the rest of it too) http://www.dobbertinhydrocar.com/J2000%20Engine.htm

Mind you, this was built 20 yrs, and I don't know that it will even be eclipsed for shock value, and being the King of the prostreet movement. There are several attempts, including the 8 turbo Chevy, but that wasn't even close. Then again, when you build the entire tube chassis from polished stainless, and everything else is chromed or polished somehow... well it makes a statement. But the part of this car that really shocks people is that he drove this. It went to the Saltflats, it went to the race track (mind you it only went 13's) but at the end of the day the guy drove it home. It only takes money to go buy a door slammer and chrome the shit out of it and then drag it around on a trailer to car shows. Planning and engineering are required to make it go down the road more than a mile or two. I suppose you could drve a fuel car to work... if it was a couple miles away... just live on a private road, make a 1/4 accleration pass and coast the rest of the way. Just remember, you will need a pit crew at work to rebuild the car so you can drive it home.

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Desperado has a hold on this, and it made me look at your age, it jibes. Pro street was all about a car that looked like a pro stock car in every way but "could be" driven on the street. They did not have slicks, they were not meant to hit the 1/4 mile, they were meant to make you ooh and ahh and drool, and dream and they accomplished that. Some people bought them, some people had the skills to build them. Dobberton just got talked about in one of the mags recently..that j2000 was over the top when he built it. It cost him his marriage, he even sold his daily driver and rented a truck to get it to the Nats. HE built it, he didn't pay someone to build it.

Alot of you guys are building fast imports now, back in the 80's it was pro street. You guys dream of twin turbos and drag radials and back then it was 6-71 roots blowers and 33x19.5-15 Mickey Thompson Sportsmans.


Oh and twin chrome fram fuel filters hanging just below the back bumper..just above the wheelie bars!


Yeah I don't mind showin' my age.

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I think the other thing that is being missed here, as far as the tires, is the STREET part of pro-street. The idea is a street LEGAL car. Now there are 4 or 5 different tire companies making 'drag radials' or cheater slicks that are DOT approved and treaded.

When these cars were built, there were no stream roller Sportsman series tires. Yes the Doberton J does have Mickeys on it, but they were not a street tire, they are a flat track dirt tire. Choices back in the day were few,,, you either ran Indy F-1 rain tires or flat track sprint car tires. If you know anything about a sprint car tire, they are DAMN soft. A couple asphault burn outs and they were done. Putting power to the ground was difficult, and maintaining a street legal status.


As fa ras what Derek is saying, about pushing the car hard. That was the point I was making about the J-2000. It was designed and engineered to actally run, and be pushed. This Firebird, with the HP rating it has was not designed to be run much at all. With todays EFI systems, this would be simple, But consider just trying to start a car that had two superchargers that were fed by two turbos that were fed by a single carb. It's not a simple thing of pumping the gas once or twice and hitting the key. The air and fuel have to go through all that shit to get into the cylinders to fire the motor. EFI you just inject the fuel in the manifold above the valve, it goes right in as the valve opens.


Personally I think the firebird looks like it was the run of the mill ProStreet car, with a big blower sticking out the hood. Just like all the rest, so the owner got a couple polished turbos, as an after thought, so it wasn't the same as everyone elses, and grafted them in. To me the bug catcher, used as a turbo bonnet, pretty much the give away on that.

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  desperado said:

However, of my kid isn't being jerked around about this truck his buddy has for sale, and it is what he is claiming (Mazda B2000 with a Ford V-8 powerstroke turbo diesel) I will take you over to Trails and let you look at lots of black smoke as I leave your ass behind. But somehow I don't think this truck is what the kid is claiming, and especially for $500..... but I will let you know.

Oh yeah, you will have to wait till I get a Ford 9 inch narrowed,,,, I know the truck has the stock rear and that ain't about to hold up to a turbo diesel with slicks and lots of VHT.


I can't believe no one jumped on this tidbit.


You might have a 500 dollar truck that will leave Sam's vette behind at the track?


Please get this on tape.

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  Eric2112 said:
I can't believe no one jumped on this tidbit.


You might have a 500 dollar truck that will leave Sam's vette behind at the track?


Please get this on tape.


Here again, this is a 17 yr old kid tellin my 16 yr old son that he has this B2000 with a turbo v-8 diesel in it and he's trying to sell it for five hundo. I think it's bullshit myself, I can't see how you could hold teh weight of a Powerstorke V-8 up in a B-2000, but that it what my kid keeps telling me.

On the outside chance it's actually true, turning up the boost (alot) and putting the propane treatment to it would make fuckloads of torque, like 1800 ft/lb or so. Getting the truck to litterally not twist in half would be the hard part here, not making the power to do it. But there again, I can NOT produce this truck at this time, and I doubt I will ever be able to because I don't think it exists. But if it does, and the kid wants $500 for it, you can be sure I WILL be buyin it. The motor is worth twice that on ebay alone. What some wacko would pay for a minitruck with a turbo diesel in it,, who knows, but it's a safe bet it's more than $500.

As far as would it beat the Vette? On a track, with a strong rear axle and slicks soaked overnight in VHT, I am guessing it would, at least to half track. Sam's Vette is no slouch, but if a 3500 lb truck (remember the engine weights as much as the B-2000) with 1800ft/lbs of torque can be made to hook and go, it wouldn't be much of a contest. But there wouldn't be any of this 40 roll shit going on either.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, it's time to revive this one. I actually went to see the 'monster' tonight. Mind you I have spoke to this guy a couple times and he assured me that it WAS a V-8 Powerstroke, but he was mistaken. First thing out of the kids mouth as I was walking up to this truck was "are you a mechanic" I told him I was. He produces the keys unlocks the truck and pulls the hood release. I am actually sort of excited, money in hand to buy this thing. After fumbling with the hood latch for a second, up comes the hood and, what is sitting there.... a fucking STOCK 4 Cylinder diesel Mazda engine... yes a diesel, but not a Powerstroke, not a V-8 just a lowly 4 cylinder clatter trap. FUCK.... So I ask the kid what about all this hype about it being a Powerstroke... the little fucker points to the side of the truck and says that's it... and to look at the stickers. STICKERS?!?!?!?! Some fuck has put Powerstroke V-8 emblems on the sides of this shit box, then sold it to this rube and had him FULLY convinced that it was indeed a Powerstroke V-8. Mind you the kids dad has a Nova in the garage he's redoing, he is on his way out to join in. I try to explain that it's a 4 cylinder, and not a Powerstorke.... the little shit calls me a liar. I begin pointing out rather obvious things like only four injectors, one valve cover, one exhaust manifold. The kid ain't budging, he's got it in his head that it's a V-8... Of course his old man is just shaking his head. I ask him if he's ever even seen a V-8, like in a Camaro or something... he says he has a Camaro, but never paid attention. I explain to the kid, who is now beginning to see the light that if I took his keys to his Mazda, and put them on a Corvette key ring that the truck would still be made by Mazda, and if I put NOS stickers on his scooter, it would still be slow. He began to see how he got fucked at that point. Then explains to me that the frame is sort of rusted and it couldn't be driven,,, I took a peak underneath and sure enough, the right rail was about gone... As much of an uncaring SOB I am, I actually sort of felt sorry for this kid. He has this truck, he was lied to about what it was and no doubt paid good money for it, and it's a piece o shit, that ain't even safe to drive.


Ya gotta wonder about people at times.



I did however fire it up, it does run pretty well and if someone is looking for a SMALL 4 cyl diesel, I know where one is cheap.

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