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Why not to take the bus.....


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I'm not saying you should shelter your kids, or advocating it. It's a CHOICE to intervene into a dangerous situation. All the things you listed are more or less accidents. Yea, it's a choice to ride a bike or go to camp, but you don't do it with the intention of a confrontation with another person. That's a major difference in my book.

Yes, but those things I listed are also choices to participate in activities that are also potentially dangerous. If you'll put your life/health at unnecessary risk for fun, but not to help another human being to possibly save a life, you're a really poor example of a person in my book.

There's no way I can jump out of an aircraft at 13,500 feet and then turn around and not help someone who could die because it's dangerous and I could get seriously hurt.

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Isaac - I don't understand why you label it a 'liberal' mentality? Can you explain your definition of a liberal? What does politics have anything to do with this debate?

How many people have pulled a knife on you Isaac? Or, should I just ask how many people you've killed?

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it's canada, no death penalty....I say stoning should be brought back! :flingpoo:

There are punishments worse tha death. Just not in Canada. Stoning would be a good one.

dont forget the IRON MAIDEN.:metal::metal::metal:

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That photo is of a Police Officer that had a knife pulled on him. He didn't draw his weapon and eliminate his threat and this is the result. No person will ever pull a knife on me and live through it. That was done with a 3 in blade and the officer was wearing his vest. Think about that for a bit.

Liberal mentality... Run away and live to run another day. You're a bitch and a coward. If I get banned for this comment I don't give a fuck. You're a spineless cunt and you have your head up your ass.

Sorry man, you started to add to the discussion with the first paragraph and blew it with your dumb ass second paragraph.

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I have yet to meet one liberal that isn't a spineless pussy. I doubt politics have anything to do with this 'debate' but being a yellow bellied fag has everything to do with it. If someone is less than garbage I automatically call them a liberal' date=' hippy, communist, whatever. As a human being it is your obligation to protect those that cannot protect themselves. You are telling me you'd witness this horrifying crime and not take action? I hope that isn't the case. If so you are the exact replica of the shit bag socialist cunts I am referring to.

I have yet to kill anybody in defense of myself or another however if the situation presents itself I will act honorably. I never thought I'd shoot somebody with a knife until I saw the exact picture you posted. The instructor in my CCW class is a Fairlawn Weapons Training Officer and he told me the story of what happened. He let me know that if someone pulls a knife you shoot them immediately and without hesitation. I am just passing on this lesson. Don't assume you won't be seriously injured by 'running away.' Why would you turn your back on a man with a knife? Or a gun for that matter?[/quote']

If this doesn't prove what a mental midget you are nothing will. By the way I've known plenty of "liberals" that wouldn't hesitate for a second to risk their lives for another, own weapons and carry CCW and I knew more liberals then conservatives growing up in and serving in the military.

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I can't say how I'd act until the situation presented itself. Things are never black and white and there are always mitigating circumstances. That's why I can neither agree or disagree with the actions of the passengers, other than to say they chose the safest route.

That's why I find it hard to understand how you can judge these people and that you said you'd have no issues taking the life of another to protect someone you don't even know - especially when you've never been in that situation. How can you have it both ways - you either value life, or you don't? Who's going to protect the 'attacker' from you - (the attacker now becomes the victim)? Why does it stop with your judgment? You start getting into a circular argument...

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I can't say how I'd act until the situation presented itself. Things are never black and white and there are always mitigating circumstances. That's why I can neither agree or disagree with the actions of the passengers, other than to say they chose the safest route.

That's why I find it hard to understand how you can judge these people and that you said you'd have no issues taking the life of another to protect someone you don't even know - especially when you've never been in that situation. How can you have it both ways - you either value life, or you don't? Who's going to protect the 'attacker' from you - (the attacker now becomes the victim)? Why does it stop with your judgment? You start getting into a circular argument...

I wish I could think of a good way to explain it that would make it easier to understand. One thing I can say is the attacker (if they truly are the attacker) doesn't become the victim. The attacker, hopefully, becomes less of a threat or a zero threat.

I'll think about it though, maybe I can come up with something.

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That photo is of a Police Officer that had a knife pulled on him. He didn't draw his weapon and eliminate his threat and this is the result. No person will ever pull a knife on me and live through it. That was done with a 3 in blade and the officer was wearing his vest. Think about that for a bit.

+1 on this part of it. Have a friend from the XX board who's a cop in Oklahoma, and posted this same pic & story earlier this year. I would add that according to Rick....This cop was also highly skilled in martial arts & hand to hand combat, which is why he did not feel the need to draw his weapon on the knife wielder. He felt capable & sufficiently trained to handle the assailant with out his gun. He has apparently changed his stance on that since said pix were taken

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